a comité de lecture
Einaudi, G., Velli, M., Politano, H. & Pouquet, A., "Energy
release in a turbulent corona'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 455,
p. L113-L116 (1996).
Meneguzzi, M., Politano, H., Pouquet, A. & Zolver, M.,
"A Sparse Model Spectral Method for the Simulation of Turbulent Flows''
Comput. Phys., 123, p. 32-44 (1996).
Newell, A.C., Passot, T., Bowman, C., Ercolani, N. & Indik,
R., "Defects are weak and self-dual solutions of the Cross-Newell phase
diffusion equation for natural patterns'' Physica D, 97,
p. 185-205 (1996).
Passot, T., Sulem, C. & Sulem, P.-L., "Generation of
acoustic fronts by focusing wave packets'' Physica D, 94,
p. 168-187 (1996).
Bacciotti, F., Chiuderi, C. & Pouquet, A., "Optical emission
in the beam of stellar jets: a possible mechanism'' Astrophys. J.,
p. 594-602 (1997).
Champeaux, S., Gazol, A., Passot, T. & Sulem,
P.-L., "Plasma heating by Alfvén wave filamentation; a relevant
mechanism in the solar corona and the interstellar medium'' Astrophys.
J., 486, p. 477-483 (1997).
Champeaux, S., Passot, T. & Sulem, P.-L., "Alfvén
wave filamentation'' J. Plasma Phys., 58, p. 665-690 (1997).
Galtier, S., Politano, H. & Pouquet, A., "Self-similar
decay laws for magnetohydrodynamics turbulence: a new model'' Phys.
Rev. Lett., 79, p. 2807-2810 (1997).
Mezincescu, G., Bessis, D., Fournier, J.-D., Mantica, G. & Aaron,
F., "Distribution of roots of random real generalized polynomials'' J.
Stat. Phys, 86, p. 675-705 (1997).
Nore, C., Brachet, M.-E., Politano, H. & Pouquet, A.,
"Dynamo action in a Taylor-Green vortex near threshold'', Phys. Plasmas
Lett., 4, p. 1-3 (1997).
Ponty,Y.,Passot, T. and Sulem P.L., ``A new instability for finite
Prandtl number rotating convection with free-slip boundary
Fluids, 9, 67-75 (1997).
Ponty,Y.,Passot, T. and Sulem P.L.,'`Chaos and structures in rotating
convection at finite Prandtl number'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 79,
71-74 (1997).
Ponty,Y.,Passot, T. and Sulem P.L., ``Pattern dynamics in rotating
convection at finite Prandtl number'', Phys. Rev. E. , 56,
4162-4178 (1997).
Sulem, C. & Sulem, P.-L., "The focusing nonlinear Schrödinger
equation: effect of the coupling to a low frequency field'' J. Mathematics
and Computing in Simulation, 43, p. 57-66 (1997).
Sulem, C. & Sulem, P.-L., "Focusing nonlinear Schrödinger
equation and wave-packet collapse'' Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods
and Applications, 30, p. 833-844 (1997).
Bowman, C., Passot, T., Assenheimer, M. & Newell, A.C., "A wavelet
based algorithm for pattern analysis'' Physica D, 119, p.
250-282 (1998).
Champeaux, S., Gazol, A., Passot, T. & Sulem,
P.-L., "Nonlinear dynamics of weakly dispersive Alfvén waves''
Scripta, 75, p. 156-157 (1998).
Champeaux, S., Passot, T. & Sulem, P.-L., "Transverse
collapse of Alfvén wave-trains with small dispersion'' Phys.
Plasmas, 5, p. 100-111 (1998).
Galtier, S. & Pouquet, A., "Solar flares statistics with
a one-dimensional MHD model'' Solar Phys., 179, p. 141-165
Gazol, A., Passot, T. & Sulem, P.-L., "Nonlinear
dynamics of obliquely propagating Alfvén waves'' J. Plasma Phys.,
p. 95-109 (1998).
Passot, T. & Vázquez-Semadeni, E., "Density probability
distribution in one-dimensional polytropic gas dynamics'' Phys. Rev.
E, 58, p. 4501-4510 (1998).
Politano, H.& Pouquet, A., "Natural length scales for
structure functions in magnetized flows'' J. Geophys. Lett., 25,
p. 273-276 (1998).
Politano, H.& Pouquet, A., "A von Kármán-Howarth
equation for magnetohydrodynamic fluids and its consequences on third-order
longitudinal structures and correlation functions'' Phys. Rev. E Rapid
Comm., 57, p. R21-R24 (1998).
Politano, H., Pouquet, A. & Carbone, V., "Determination
of anomalous exponents of structure functions in two dimensional magnetohydrodynamic
turbulence'' Euro. Phys. Lett., 43, p. 516-521 (1998).
Ponty, Y., Passot, T. & Sulem, P.-L., "Rotating
convection at moderate Prandtl number'' Physica A, 249, p.
146-150 (1998).
Porter, D., Woodward, P. & Pouquet, A., "Inertial range structures
in compressible turbulent flows'' Phys. Fluids, 10, p. 237-245
Scalo, J., Vázquez-Semadeni, E., Chappel, D. & Passot, T.,
"On the density probability function of galactic gas. I. Numerical simulations
and the significance of the polytropic index'' Astrophys. J., 504,
p. 835-853 (1998).
Zienicke, E., Politano, H. & Pouquet, A., "Variable intensity
of Lagrangian chaos in the nonlinear dynamo problem'' Phys. Rev. Lett.,
p. 4640-4643 (1998).
Balsara, D., Crutcher, D. & Pouquet, A., "Turbulent flows within
self-gravitating magnetized molecular clouds'' soumis à Astrophys.
J., (1999).
Balsara, D. & Pouquet, A., "The formation of large-scale magnetic
structures in supersonic MHD flows'' J. Plasma Phys., 6,
p. 89-99 (1999).
Champeaux, S., Passot, T. & Sulem, P.-L., "Dissipation
of weakly dispersive Alfvén waves'' Phys. Plasmas, 6,
p. 413-416 (1999).
Ercolani, N., Indik, R., Newell, A.C. & Passot, T., "The geometry
of the phase diffusion equation'' soumis à J. Nonlinear Science,
Fournier, J.-D. & Fried, H.M., "Large scale modeling of nonlinear
signals'' soumis à International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
in Applied Sciences and Engineering, (1999).
Galtier, S., "A 1-D MHD Model of Solar Flares: Emergence of a Population
of Weak Events, and a Possible Road Towards Nano-Flares'' Astrophys.
J., sous presse, 521, (1999)
Galtier, S., Zienicke, E., Politano, H. & Pouquet,
A., "Parametric investigation of self-similar decay laws in MHD turbulent
flows'' Phys. Plasmas, sous presse, (1999).
Gazol, A. & Passot, T., "A turbulent model for the interstellar
medium. III. Stratification and supernovae explosion'' Astrophys. J..
sous presse, (1999).
Gazol, A., Passot, T. & Sulem, P.-L., "Coupling
between nonlinear Alfvén waves and reduced MHD for compressible
fluids'' soumis à Phys. Plasmas, (1999).
Gomez, T., Politano, H. & Pouquet, A., "On the
validity of a non-local approach for MHD turbulence'' Phys. Fluids,
sous presse, (1999).
Laveder, D., Passot, T., Ponty, Y., Sulem, P.L., '`Effect of a random
noise on scaling laws of finite Prandtl number rotating convection
near threshold'' Phys. Rev. E, 59, R4745-R4748 (1999).
Porter, D., Pouquet, A., Sytine, I. & Woordward, P., "Turbulence
in compressible flows'' Physica A, 263, p. 263-270 (1999).
Sulem, C. & Sulem, P.-L., The nonlinear Schrödinger equation:
self-focusing and wave collapse Applied Mathematical Sciences, Springer-Verlag,
369 pp. (1999).
et articles de revue invités
Pouquet, A., "Kolmogorov-like behaviour and inertial range vortex
dynamics in turbulent compressible flows'' Sectional Lecture, XIX-ICTAM
Conference, Kyoto, August 1996, ed. T. Kambe, Elsevier (1997).
Ponty, Y., "Textures convectives dans un fluide en rotation et effet
dynamo dans un écoulement faiblement chaotique'' Thèse
de Doctorat en Sciences, Université de Nice (1997).
Champeaux, S., "Filamentation des ondes d'Alfvén et chauffage
du plasma'' Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences, Université
de Nice (1998).
Galtier, S., "Turbulence et Intermittence en Magnétohydrodynamique''
de Doctorat en Sciences, Université de Grenoble (1998).
Gazol, A., "Magnétohydrodynamique dans le milieu interstellaire.
Effet des supernovæ dans un modèle turbulent et contribution
à l'étude de la dynamique des ondes d'Alfvén non-linéaires''
de Doctorat en Sciences, Université de Nice (1998).
Thomas, F., "La dynamique résonnante dans le système
solaire: Application aux mouvements des objets transneptuniens'' Thèse
de Doctorat en Sciences, Université de Paris (1998).
publiées dans les actes d'un colloque
Bochsler, P., Zurbuchen, T., Politano, H. & Pouquet, A.,
"Test particle study of minor ions in solar wind turbulence'' soumis à
AGU, San Francisco, décembre 1995, (1996).
Fournier, J.-D., Mantica, G., Mezincescu, A. & Bessis, D., "Statistical
Properties of the Zeros of the Transfer Functions in Signal Processing''
of Chamonix School "Chaos and diffusion in Hamiltonian systems'', eds.
D. Benest & Cl. Froeschlé, Editions Frontières, p.
257 (1996).
Pouquet, A., "Hydrodynamic and MHD turbulence'' Proceedings "Solar
and Astrophysical Magnetohydrodynamics Flows'', NATO Advanced Study Institute
Series C, ed. K. Tsinganos, Kluwer Acad. Press, 481, p. 195-214
Pouquet, A., Passot, T. & Vázquez-Semadeni, "Dynamical
evolution of the turbulent interstellar medium at the kiloparsec scale''
of the School on numerical methods for astro and geophysical flows, Les
Houches, Editions de Physique (Paris), eds J. Ferziger & O. Métais,
p. 291-298 (1996).
Pouquet, A., Politano, H. & Carbone, V., "Intermittency
in MHD flows'' Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics, Kyoto, eds R. Moreau & A. Soward, (1996).
Zurbuchen, Th., Bochsler, P., Politano, H. & Pouquet, A.,
"Test particle study of minor ions in the solar wind'' Proc. Solar Wind
Eight, AIP Conf. Proc., 382, p. 371 (1996).
Galtier, S. & Pouquet, A., "Heating of the solar corona
with MHD turbulence: a model in slab geometry'' Publications de l'Observatoire
de Paris, Forum THEMIS, November 1996, eds N. Mein & S. Sahal,
p. 171-175 (1997).
Gazol, A., Champeaux, S., Passot, T. & Sulem,
P.-L., "Heating by Alfvén wave filamentation in the solar corona
and the interstellar medium'' Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica,
sous presse (1997).
Passot, T., Vázquez-Semadeni, E.C. & Pouquet, A.,
"Highly Compressible MHD Turbulence and Gravitational Collapse'' Proceedings
of the 7th Annual Maryland Conference on Astrophysics "Star Formation,
Near and Far'', eds S.S. Holt & L.G. Mundy, (1997).
Pouquet, A., Passot, T. & Vàzquez-Semadeni, E.,
"Dynamical evolution of the turbulent interstellar medium at the kiloparsec
scale'' Les Houches Spring School, eds. J. Ferziger & O. Métais,
Les Editions de Physique, Springer, p. 291-298 (1997).
Sulem, P.-L., "Vorticity structure in homogeneous turbulence'' CRM
Proceedings and Lecture Notes, "PDE and their Applications'', eds. P. Greiner,
V. Ivrii, L. Seco & C. Sulem, 12, p. 297-305 (1997).
Vázquez-Semadeni, E.C., Passot, T. & Pouquet, A.,
"Highly Compressible MHD Turbulence and Gravitational Collapse'' Proceedings
of the 7th Annual Maryland Conference on "Astrophysics. Star Formation,
Near and Far'', eds. S.S. Holt & L.G. Mundy. AIP Press, 393,
p. 85-88 (1997).
Balsara, D., Pouquet, A., Ward-Thompson, D. & Crutcher, R.,
"Numerical Magnetohydrodynamic studies of turbulence and star formation''
of the Mexico Conference on Interstellar Turbulence, Cambridge University
Press Astrophysical Series, ed. J. Franco, p. 261-266 (1998).
Bowman, C., Ercolani, N., Indik, R., Newell, A.C. & Passot. T.,
"Patterns, Defects and Integrability'' Physica D, 123, p.
474-492 (1998).
Champeaux, S., Passot, T. & Sulem, P.-L., "Alfvén
wave collapse in the small-dispersion limit'' Annales Geophysicae,
Suppl. III, p. C870 (1998).
Galtier, S., Gomez, T., Politano, H. & Pouquet,
A., "Intermittency in MHD and the heating of the solar corona'' Proceedings
Seventh European Turbulence Conference, ed. U. Frisch, Kluwer, p. 453-456
Nore, C., Brachet, M.-E., Politano, H. & Pouquet, A.,
"Etude numérique de l'effet dynamo dans la géométrie
du vortex de Taylor-Green'' soumis à Comptes Rendus du 14ème
Congrès Français de Mécanique, Toulouse, septembre
1999 (1999).
Vázquez-Semadeni, E., Ostriker, E., Passot, T., Gammie, C
& Stone J., "Compressible MHD turbulence and the ISM: Implications
for molecular cloud and star formation'' Protostars and Planets IV,
sous presse (1999).
conférences, articles de vulgarisation et rapports
Ayguesparsses, T., "Analyse nouvelle de signaux stochastiques corrélés''
d'un DEA effectué sous la direction de J.-D. Fournier (1996).
De Crisenoy, C., "Comparaison de deux méthodes de calcul
numérique en turbulence MHD à l'aide d'analyse statistique
de données'' Rapport de stage (IUT de Créteil) sous la
direction de H. Politano et A. Pouquet (1996).
Pouquet, A., "Turbulence, Statistics and Structures: an Introduction''
Notes in Physics "Plasma Astrophysics'', eds C. Chiuderi & G. Einaudi,
Springer-Verlag, 468, p. 163-212 (1996).
Benady, F., "Polynômes de Szegö aléatoires associés
à un processus de Markov'' Mémoire d'un DEA effectué
sous la direction de J.-D. Fournier et A. Noullez (1997).
Passot, T. & Vázquez-Semadeni, E.C., "Turbulence dans
le milieu interstellaire'' Journal des Astronomes Français,
p. 12-16 (1997).
Laveder, D., "Convection dans un fluide en rotation: lois d'échelle
de la longueur de corrélation'' Mémoire d'un DEA effectué
sous la direction de P.-L. Sulem et T. Passot (1998).
solar flares: statistics or physics?'' Proceedings "Developments in
Geophysical Turbulence'', Boulder, juin 1998. IUTAM, eds R. Kerr &
Y. Kimura, (1998).
Gazol-Patino, A., Champeaux, S., Passot, T. &
P.-L., "Heating by Alfvén wave filamentation in the solar corona
and the interstellar medium'' Revista Mexicana de Astronomía
y Astrofísica, Serie de Conferencias, 7, p. 129-132 (1998).
Passot, T. & Vázquez-Semadeni, "Probability distribution
of the density field in one dimensional gas dynamics'' Proceedings of
Advances in Turbulence VII, ed. U. Frisch, Kluwer, p. 411-414 (1998).
Politano, H.& Pouquet, A., "Exact scaling laws for turbulent
MHD flows'' Annales Geophysicae: Proceedings of the 23rd General Assembly
of the European Geophysical Society in Nice, 20-24 April 1998, 16
(suppl) (1998).
Porter, D., Pouquet, A. & Woodward, P., "Intermittency in compressible
flows'' Proceedings Seventh Turbulence Conference, ed. U. Frisch, Kluwer,
p. 255-258 (1998).
Pouquet, A., "MHD turbulence in the interstellar medium'' Proceedings,
Puebla, janvier 1998, Cambridge University Press Series on Contemporary
Astrophysics, eds J. Franco & A. Carraminama, p. 87-94 (1998).
Vázquez-Semadeni, E. & Passot, T., "Turbulence as an
organizing agent in the ISM'' Proceedings of Interstellar Turbulence,
eds. P. Franco & A. Carraminana, Cambridge University Press, sous presse,
Fournier, J.-D., "Complex Zeros of Random Szegö Polynomials''
"Computational Methods and Function Theory. II'', eds. S. Ruscheweyh et
al., p. 203-223 (1999).
Galtier, S., Nazarenko, S., Newell, A. & Pouquet, A.,
"Weak MHD turbulence and anisotropy'' soumis à Proceedings, eds.
T. Passot & P.L. Sulem, Springer Verlag (1999).
Galtier, S., Politano, H. & Pouquet, A., "What
are some of the possible mechanisms of energy dissipation and redistribution
among scales in the turbulent Interstellar Medium?'' Pub. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, sous presse (1999).
Gomez, T., Politano, H. & Larchevêque, M., "Modèle
de structure tourbillonnaire à petite échelle en écoulement
turbulent compressible'' soumis à Comptes Rendus du 14ème
Congrès Français de Mécanique, Toulouse (1999).