Horrocks observation of the 1639 Venus transit
- The canon includes all the transits of Venus from -2000 to +3000.
- They are computed for a geocentric observer.
- Some grazing transits visible only on some points of the Earth have been also included (eg -943)
- The text file is organized on the basis of one record per transit
- The difference between TDB and UT is quadratically
extrapolated in the distant past or in the future from known values of
TD - UT.
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JD date (TU) R_S(") Delta(") ratio R_P(")
2453164.848 8/ 6/ 2004 8:20 945.4 -626.5 0.663 28.88t_1 t_2 t_3 t_4 l_beg l_end phi V(°/day) lat node td-tu(s) 5: 13.6 5: 32.8 11: 6.6 11: 25.9 98 14 23 1.60 -0.17 -1 68.4
JD Date of mid-transit in Julian days (dynamical time) date Date of mid transit in UT R_S Radius of the Sun in arcsec delta Distance at closest approach in arcsec (negative when south of the centre) ratio Ratio delta/R_s R_P Radius of the planet in arcsec t_1 First contact in UT t_2 Second contact in UT t_3 Third contact in UT t_4 Fourth contact in UT l_beg Longitude of the sub solar point at ingress l_end Longitude of the sub-solar point at egress phi Latitude of the subsolar point V Relative displacement of the planet on the solar disk in deg/day lat Ecliptic latitude of the planet node +1 : ascending node, -1 : descending node TDB-UT value of TDB-UT in sec(measured or extrapolated)
Desc. Node
Asc. Node
-2000 to 3000
JD Date UT time Sun R min D ratio Venus R " " " 2317110.722 7/12/ 1631 5:19 975.0 939.4 0.964 31.59 :: not seen by Gassendi
2320030.268 4/12/ 1639 18:25 974.7 -523.3 0.537 31.58 :: Horrocks
2364408.722 6/ 6/ 1761 5:19 945.0 -571.9 0.605 28.86
2367328.434 3/ 6/ 1769 22:25 945.3 608.8 0.644 28.87 :: Cook at Tahiti
2405866.671 9/12/ 1874 4: 6 974.6 831.1 0.853 31.57
2408786.213 6/12/ 1882 17: 6 974.3 -634.9 0.652 31.55
2453164.848 8/ 6/ 2004 8:20 945.4 -626.5 0.663 28.88
2456084.563 6/ 6/ 2012 1:29 945.7 554.4 0.586 28.90
2494622.620 11/12/ 2117 2:48 974.3 723.0 0.742 31.55
2497542.171 8/12/ 2125 16: 2 974.0 -733.8 0.753 31.53
2541920.987 11/ 6/ 2247 11:33 945.7 -692.2 0.732 28.91
2544840.700 9/ 6/ 2255 4:38 946.0 492.9 0.521 28.92
2583378.582 13/12/ 2360 1:43 973.9 627.1 0.644 31.52
2586298.125 10/12/ 2368 14:45 973.5 -836.3 0.859 31.49
The most central transits (min D/R < 0.15)
JD Date UT time Sun R min D ratio " " 1876250.522 22/11/ 424 23: 3 976.1 9.0 0.009
1654359.604 22/ 5/ -183 23: 3 943.3 -11.2 0.012
1565603.466 22/ 5/ -426 18:41 943.1 61.6 0.065
1743115.746 23/ 5/ 60 3:21 943.4 -86.3 0.091
1965006.472 23/11/ 667 22:22 975.9 -96.7 0.099
1787494.575 22/11/ 181 23:38 976.3 116.7 0.120
1476847.323 22/ 5/ -669 14: 5 943.0 139.2 0.148The most grazing transits (min D/R> 0.900)JD Date UT time Sun R min D ratio " " 1077447.000 20/11/-1763 23:10 977.3 967.2 0.990
1923547.750 22/ 5/ 554 4:50 944.0 931.7 0.987
2317110.722 7/12/ 1631 5:19 975.0 939.4 0.964 :: Kepler admonitio
2675054.088 13/12/ 2611 13:35 973.2 -931.3 0.957
1435390.345 19/11/ -783 13:59 977.0 -902.7 0.924
2012303.884 22/ 5/ 797 8:30 944.2 867.7 0.919
1296415.319 23/ 5/-1163 11: 7 942.8 -860.9 0.913
2808189.371 16/ 6/ 2976 19:45 946.7 -853.8 0.902
The doubtful or partial transits (1 < min D/R <1.02)
JD Date UT time Sun R min D ratio " " 1385171.464 23/ 5/ -920 16: 5 942.8 -943.3 1.001
The longest transits ( T > 460 mn)
JD Date UT time Sun R min D T " " mn 1876250.522 22/11/ 424 23: 3 976.1 9.0 488.5
1965006.472 23/11/ 667 22:22 975.9 -96.7 487.0
1654359.604 22/ 5/ -183 23: 3 943.3 -11.2 486.9
1565603.466 22/ 5/ -426 18:41 943.1 61.6 486.7
1787494.575 22/11/ 181 23:38 976.3 116.7 485.8
1743115.746 23/ 5/ 60 3:21 943.4 -86.3 485.4
1476847.323 22/ 5/ -669 14: 5 943.0 139.2 482.2
1831871.885 24/ 5/ 303 7:26 943.6 -157.7 480.5
2053762.417 23/11/ 910 21:27 975.6 -206.6 478.5
1698738.635 23/11/ -62 0:15 976.5 230.5 475.4
1388091.177 21/ 5/ -912 9:14 942.8 221.1 475.1
1920628.029 24/ 5/ 546 11:30 943.8 -232.9 472.7
2142518.372 23/11/ 1153 20:36 975.3 -307.7 465.9
1299335.039 21/ 5/-1155 4:27 942.8 296.5 464.4
2009384.172 24/ 5/ 789 15:24 944.0 -306.2 462.2
1609982.685 23/11/ -305 0:30 976.7 335.5 460.8
© F. Mignard. Mise à jour mercredi 16/04/03