-------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION PROCESS (& BRIEF INTRODUCTION): -------------------------------------------- 00-subscribe to the AIRY mailing-list ! ... either by pointing your browser to http://sympa-n.oca.eu/wws/info/airy and following the instructions therein, or by sending a message to sympanice@oca.eu with no subject and the following instruction in the body of the message: subscribe airy my.email@address [Subscribing to this mailing-list will insure you to receive new versions, patches, and updates related to the Software Package AIRY, the CAOS Library, and the CAOS Application Builder.] 01-first install the last version of the whole "CAOS system" (or better called the "CAOS Problem Solving Environment"-PSE) including the last versions of the CAOS Application Builder (now 7.1) and the CAOS Library (now 5.4). 02-change directory to .../caos/packages/ 03-unpack there AIRY_Software_Package_6.0.tar.gz, containing the directory named "AIRY_Software_Package_6.0" where the modules of the Software Package AIRY 6.0 are located. 04-please note that some modules of this distribution also need the IDL Astronomy User's Library, commonly called "astrolib". This library is available from http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov. 05-either change directory to .../work_caos/ or .../work_airy/. [Please read the "trick" (point 04 of the "Final Remarks") given at the end of this file.] 06-unpack there AIRYSoftPack6.0_ExampleProjects.tar.gz, containing the directory "Projects" where some examples using the AIRY Soft.Pack.6.0 are included. 07-verify that you have write permission on the unpacked files. 08-UNIX/LINUX/MACOSX CASES: type "source caos_env.csh" (or .sh). [Note that this is to be done for each opened shell where you will use IDL together with the CAOS PSE. Alternatively you can move the content of the file caos_env.csh into your .cshrc or .bashrc]. 09-launch IDL [See the "trick" (point 04 of the "Final Remarks") given at the end of this file to avoid this step and step 08 here above.] 10-type "caos_init" at the IDL prompt in order to use the whole CAOS system (gives access to the CAOS Application Builder and all the installed Software Packages) [Alternatively and to definitely avoid this point simply add the line "caos_init" in your file "caos_startup.pro".] 11-type "worksheet" at the CAOS prompt in order to use the CAOS Application Builder 12-type "@compile_all_AIRY_modules" the very first time you use AIRY, and before doing anything with it, in order to re-generate the default parameter files of the whole set of modules (upgrading so any possible pre-defined path). 13-you can find some examples in work_airy/Projects to play around with: open one from the Application Builder (button "File" -> "Open Project"). NB: steps 0,1,3,4,6,7,12 are necessary just once: during installation. ------------------- SOME FINAL REMARKS: ------------------- 00-refer to the Template Package and included module xxx for a guide for writing a new module and so include your IDL code within the CAOS structure - a ReadMe file is also included. 01-refer to http://lagrange.oca.eu/caos for further informations on the CAOS Problem-Solving Environment (or for submission of bug fixes, new useful modules, etc.). 02-refer to http://www.airyproject.eu for further informations on the Software Package AIRY (or for submission of bug fixes concerning the Software Package AIRY, new useful modules for the Soft.Pack.AIRY, etc.). 03-please never redistribute any CAOS or AIRY part by yourself, rather refer to previous remarks 02 and 03 -- or at least recommend step 00 of the installation instructions ! 04-if you are playing with different Software Packages but would like to have the simulation projects made with different installed packages in different locations (not all the simulation projects in the same "work_caos/Projects" directory), there is a solution which still permits to use modules from the various Software Packages together anyway. A-make one working directory per Software Package (e.g. work_caos, work_airy, work_paolac, etc.) B-add one alias for each installed Software Package in your .cshrc or .bashrc, for example for the Software Package AIRY: alias airy='cd YOUR_PATH/work_airy ; source caos_env.sh ; idl' C-simply type "airy" to launch IDL+the CAOS PSE+move in the AIRY working directory, all together. 05-new projects start with button "File" -> "New Project". Modules are put within the Application Builder through button "Modules", and can be cloned or deleted using button "Edit" -> "Clone module" or "Edit" -> "Delete item". Each color at the left- or right-side of a module represents a type of input or output. In order to link two modules click on the output of the first one and then click on the input of the second one. When the design of your simulation is completed, including setting of the total number of iterations, save the project using "File" -> "Save Project". then you can set the parameters related to each module using its dedicated GUI called by clicking on the module. 06-For a detailed example refer to the tutorial given on the AIRY web-page: http://www.airyproject.eu/Tutorials/AIRY/index.html 07-In order to run a project, for example let's say "PSF_Extraction_Example": > .rn ./Projects/PSF_Extraction_Example/project.pro or alternatively use button "Run" of the CAOS Application Builder. 08-a series of papers using the Software Package AIRY has been written for refereed journals (mainly Astronomy and Astrophysics but not only) since 2002: I- about the Software Package AIRY itself: "Restoration of Interferometric Images - I. The Software Package AIRY" Serge Correia, Marcel Carbillet, Patrizia Boccacci, Mario Bertero, and Luca Fini A&A Volume 387, page 733 (2002) II- using the Soft.Pack.AIRY for LBT (LINC-NIRVANA) studies: "Restoration of Interferometric Images - II. The LBT case study" Marcel Carbillet, Serge Correia, Patrizia Boccacci, Mario Bertero A&A Volume 387, page 744 (2002) III- applying quick-look deconvolution methods with AIRY: "Restoration of Interferometric Images - III. Efficient Richardson-Lucy" Barbara Anconelli, Mario Bertero, Patrizia Boccacci, Marcel Carbillet, and Henri Lanteri methods for LINC-NIRVANA data reduction A&A Volume 430, page 731 (2005) IV- applying super-resolution with AIRY: "Restoration of Interferometric Images - IV. An algorithm for super- resolution of stellar systems" Barbara Anconelli, Mario Bertero, Patrizia Boccacci, and Marcel Carbillet A&A Volume 431, page 747 (2005) V- reducing boundary effects: "Reduction of boundary effects in the reconstruction of LINC-NIRVANA images" Barbara Anconelli, Mario Bertero, Patrizia Boccacci, Marcel Carbillet, and Henri Lanteri A&A Volume 448 (3), page 1217 (2006) VI- performing blind deconvolution with AIRY 3.0: "Application of iterative blind deconvolution to the reconstruction of LINC-NIRVANA images" Gabriele Desidera', Barbara Anconelli, Mario Bertero, Patrizia Boccacci, and Marcel Carbillet A&A Volume 452, page 727 (2006) VII- performing high-dynamic range imaging with AIRY 3.0: "Deconvolution of multiple images with high-dynamic range and an application to LBT LINC-NIRVANA images" Barbara Anconelli, Mario Bertero, Patrizia Boccacci, Marcel Carbillet, and Henri Lanteri A&A Volume 460, page 727 (2006) VIII- performing high-dynamic range imaging with AIRY again: "Iterative methods for the reconstruction of astronomical images with high-dynamic range", Barbara Anconelli, Mario Bertero, Patrizia Boccacci, Marcel Carbillet, Henri Lanteri, J. Comp. Appl. Math. 198, page 321 (2007) IX- performing Strehl-constrained blind deconvolution on post-AO data with AIRY: “Strehl-constrained iterative blind deconvolution for post-adaptive-optics data”, Gabriele Desidera' & Marcel Carbillet, Astron. Astrophys. 507 (3), 1759 (2009). X- a review of the studies performed for LINC-NIRVANA/LBT using AIRY: “Imaging with LINC-NIRVANA (An introduction to deconvolution methods and their capability)”, Mario Bertero, Patrizia Boccacci, Gabriele Desidera', Andrea La Camera, Marcel Carbillet, Henri Lanteri, IEEE Sig. Proc. Mag. 27 (1) (Special Section on Astronomy and Cosmology), 110 (2010). XI- about the Software Package AIRY version 6.0: "AIRY: a complete tool for the simulation and the reconstruction of astronomical images", Andrea La Camera, Marcel Carbillet, Chiara Olivieri, Patrizia Boccacci, Mario Bertero, in [Optical and Infrared Interferometry III], F.Delplancke, J.K.Rajagopal, F.Malbet eds, Proc. SPIE vol. 8445, pp, (2012) --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AIRY (6.0): --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Andrea La Camera (DIBRIS, USG, Genova, Italia) [andrea.lacamera@unige.it] - Marcel Carbillet (Lagrange, UNS/CNRS/OCA, Nice, France) [marcel.carbillet@unice.fr] ---------------------------------------------------------------- last revision October 2012 - Marcel Carbillet & Andrea La Camera