-------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION PROCESS (& BRIEF INTRODUCTION): -------------------------------------------- (a few minutes only are necessary for reading and installing!) 00- subscribe to the mailing-list of each Software Package you are using. [As a first step of the installation process of any Software Package.] 01- unpack caos.new.tgz, containing the directory "caos" with the CAOS Application Builder 7.1, the CAOS Library 5.4, and the Template Package 5.0 that helps building one's own possible modules/packages. [note that no Software Package is included, but the template one. anyway the Software Packages are obtainable by visiting the CAOS web-page http://lagrange.oca.eu/caos/ Updates and new versions will be distributed through the dedicated mailing-lists.] 02- UNIX/LINUX/MACOSX CASE: copy and adapt to your case (one working directory only, one working directory for each package installed, one working directory per simulation subjects, etc.) the aliases definition contained in the file "extract.bashrc" into your ".bashrc" file (or ".cshrc" adapting the script syntax). in any case the whole ensemble of installed packages can be used from any working directory. 03- unpack work_caos.tgz, containing the working directory "work_caos" where your future simulation "projects" will be stored and from where CAOS is launched. possibly reproduce and rename it ("work_airy", "work_sphere", etc.) if desired (UNIX/LINUX/MACOSX case only). 04- verify that you have write permission on the unpacked files. 05- change directory to work_caos (or whatever name you have chosen in point 03). 6a- UNIX/LINUX/MACOSX CASE: 6a.1- fix the paths in caos_env.sh (or .csh, depending on your shell). 6a.2- idem in caos_startup.pro. 6b- WINDOWS XP CASE: 6b.1- unlike in the previous case, you can eliminate the files caos_env.csh and caos_env.sh and, instead, define the three environment variables CAOS_WORK (complete address of working directory .../work_caos/), CAOS_ROOT (complete address of source code directory .../caos/), and CAOS_HTML (complete address of desired html browser) from the windows XP "Start" menu, in "Settings -> System -> Advanced -> Environment". 6b.2- eliminate within the file "caos_startup.pro" the lines defining the various necessary paths (caos/, astrolib/, etc.) and, instead, define them within the IDL preferences (from the IDL "File" menu, in "Preferences -> Path"). 7a- UNIX/LINUX/MACOSX CASE: directly launch "caos" or "airy" or whatever alias you have defined in 02. 7b- WINDOWS XP CASE: launch IDL. 08- type "worksheet" at the CAOS prompt in order to use the CAOS App.Builder. 09- install some Software Package ! NB: steps 1,2,3,4,6 are necessary just once (during installation), step 7 only is necessary in order to launch the CAOS "system", then step 8 only is necessary in order to launch its (optional) global interface: the CAOS App.Builder, steps 0,9 are necessary for each desired Soft.Pack. ------------------------ SOME ADDITIONAL REMARKS: ------------------------ +0- refer to the Template Package and included module xxx for a guide for writing a new module and so include your IDL code within the CAOS structure. +1- refer to http://lagrange.oca.eu/caos and to caos-team@arcetri.astro.it for further informations on the CAOS system (or for submission of bug fixes, new useful modules, etc.). +2- please never redistribute any CAOS part by yourself, rather refer to previous step -- or at least recomend step 0! +3- refer to the CAOS tutorial given on the CAOS web-page http://lagrange.oca.eu/caos/ for an example of use together with the Soft.Pack.CAOS. +4- read the "CAOS_Application_Builder-from6.0to6.1to7.0to7.1.txt" for a brief description of the main modifications concerning this version (7.1) of the CAOS Application Builder. --------------------------------------- written october 2012 - Marcel Carbillet