(message to: Soft.Pack.CAOS mailing-list, Soft.Pack.PAOLAC mailing-list, Soft.Pack.AIRY mailing-list, Soft.Pack.AIRY-LN mailing-list, Soft.Pack.SPHERE mailing-list) Dear CAOS Problem-Solving Environment (PSE) users, Please find on the CAOS PSE part of the CAOS site (http://lagrange.oca.eu/caos/caos_system) a new version (7.1) of the CAOS Application Builder, together with the new version of the CAOS Library (5.4), and the current version of the Template Package (5.0). The new proposed version of the CAOS Application Builder is necessary in order to properly use the upcoming version of the Software Package AIRY (6.0). The new proposed version of the CAOS Library includes a number of new routines necessary for the upcoming version of the Software Package AIRY (6.0) as well, but also for the future version of the Software Package CAOS. It includes also a number of upgraded routines useful for the whole ensemble of Software Packages. Best regards, -Marcel Carbillet & Andrea La Camera.