--- Rapport "METEOR AAO" (MAUCA) --- - Theoretical part [/50] details: + wfsensing report (Aziz Ziad) [/20] + Rigaut's paper presentation [/5] + Exercice (code) [/5] + Optimisation & performance of an AO system in fct of photon noise [/20] details: . context & numerical modelling [/2] . nb of modes & loop gain & possibly time exp. optimisations [/8] . rms(N_phot) and/or rms(mag.) [/5] . => retrieve that var_phot $\propto$ 1/N [/2] . Strehl(mag, lambda) [/2] · ccl/transition [/1] - XAO project part [/50] détail : + mise en contexte et modélisation sous CAOS [/5] + dimensionnement ASO [/5] + convergence de la boucle [/5] + analyse PSF post-OA vs. PSF atm. (longue pose, FWHM, morpho.) [/10] + analyse PSF post-corono vs. PSF sans corono (sép., rapport d'int.binaire) [/20] + ccl/perspectives [/5] - GLAO project part [/50] détail : + mise en contexte et modélisation sous CAOS [/5] + dimensionnement GLAO [/5] + convergence de la boucle (rms au centre en fct de theta_0) [/10] + perf. en termes de Strehl (lambda, theta_0, theta) [/20] + ccl sur l'uniformité de la correction (S, sigma_S) [/10] - LGS project part details: + context & numerical modelling [/4] + focal anisoplanatism: -> \sigma^2 ≈ (D/d_0)^(5/3), with d_0=2.91 \theta_0 H, H=LGS height ? [/15] + tip-tilt anisoplanatism (aka anisokinetism): -> \sigma^2 ≈ 0.1 (theta/theta0)^2 (D/r0)^(-1/3) ? [/15] + for a given Strehl: NGS=>better resolution, LGS=>better EE ? -> study NGS vs LGS wrt Strehl/FWHM/EE [/15] + ccl [/1] - post-AO Lucky Imaging project part details: + context & numerical modelling [/4] + nb of modes & loop gain & time exp. opt., comparison w/long-exp. imaging [/15] + performance wrt post-AO long-exposure imaging (Strehl/FWHM) [/15] + performance wrt pure speckle imaging (Strehl/FWHM) [/15] + ccl [/1]