Nonlinear Cosmology Program 2006 @ Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Nice, January 25–27, 2006
More on discussion sessions
This page gives a refined list of suggestions for discussion
sessions, their topics, and chairs.
- Day 1, Wednesday, 12:10-12:50
- The cosmological constant issues (led by Peebles)
- Day 1, Wednesday, 17:00-17:50
- Dark matter issues (led by Weygaert)
- Day 2, Thursday, 12:10-12:50
- More dark matter issues (led by Shandarin)
- Day 2, Thursday, 17:00-17:50
- Issues of peculiar velocities (led by Tully)
- Day 3, Friday, 12:10-17:50
- Reconstruction and peculiar velocity issues (led by
- Day 3, Friday, 17:40-18:30
- The properties of voids and mass concentrations
(led by Nusser)
More specific discussion issues suggested by participants:
- bias between dark and visible matter distribution
- mini-voids in the Local Volume, their observational status
- disturbed isolated galaxies as indicators of a dark galaxy
population (Karachentsev)
- can initial conditions be nonuniform? (Loeper)
- is there life between
MAK and NAM? (Sobolevskii)
- primordial non-Gaussianity (Weygaert)
- galaxy angular momentum (Weygaert)
- cosmic web, dynamics and topology (Weygaert)
Last modified: Wed Feb 11 20:31:00 MSD 2006