Nonlinear Cosmology Program 2006 @ Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur

Nonlinear Cosmology Workshop

Nice, January 25–27, 2006

Nonlinear Cosmological Tests

Jim Peebles

We are conditioned to think that “Nature is subtle but not malicious” (in my preferred translation from Einstein). Are differences between what is observed and what might have been expected from the LambdaCDM cosmology only apparent, consequences of complexities so subtle as to seem malicious, or might they indicate something to learn? I present my list of the issues of phenomenology that might teach us something of value about the voids discussed by van de Weijgaert, the non-Gaussian fluctuations discussed by Marinoni, and the model for the dark sector discussed by Nusser.

Last modified: Mon Jan 30 20:19:55 MSK 2006