Laboratoire LAGRANGE
ACTI EQUIPE planetologie (2019)
ACTI : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international

  1. Baguet, D. and Petit, J.-M. and Morbidelli, A. "Effect of the planetesimal disk on the positions of the secular resonances" Journ{'e}es de la SF2A 2019 (2019) (

  2. Baguet, Daniel and Morbidelli, Alessandro and Petit, Jean-Marc "Positions of the secular resonances in the primordial Kuiper Belt disk" 50th Annual Meeting (2019) (

  3. Carry, Benoit and Spoto, Federica and Thuillot, William and David, Pedro and Muinonen, Karri and Fedorets, Grigori and Berthier, Jérôme and Pauwels, Thierry and Dell`Oro, Aldo and Petit, Jean-Marc and Tanga, Paolo "Gaia-FUN-SSO: Tracking Gaia asteroid discoveries" EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 (2019) (

  4. Ducourant, C. and Krone-Martins, A. and Delchambre, L. and Wertz, O. and Galluccio, Laurent and Teixeira, R. and Le Campion, J.-F. and Scarano, S. and Graham, M. J. and Djorgovski, S. G. and Stern, D. and Slezak, E. and Spindola-Duarte, C. and Surdej, J. and Mignard, F. and Bastian, U. and Wambsganss, J. and Klüter, J. and Boehm, C. "Search for multiply-imaged quasars in the Gaia DR2" SF2A (2019) (

  5. Galluccio, Laurent and Delbo', Marco and Cellino, Alberto and Tanga, Paolo and De Angeli, Francesca "Taxonomy of asteroid spectra using density-based clustering methods in the Gaia era" EPSC-DPS (2019) (

  6. Ligi, R. and Dorn, C. and Crida, A. and Lebreton, Y. and Creevey, O. and Borsa, F. and Nardetto, N. and Tallon-Bosc, I. and Morand, F. and Poretti, E. "From the star to the transiting exoplanets: Characterisation of the HD 219134 system" SF2A 2019 (2019) (

  7. Michel, Patrick and Barnouin, Olivier and Ballouz, R.-L and Walsh, K J and Richardson, D C and Schwartz, S. and Jutzi, M. and Sugita, S. and Watanabe, S and Hirabayashi, M. and Miyamoto, H. and Bottke, W F and Connolly, H C and Lauretta, D S "DISRUPTION AND REACCUMULATION AS THE POSSIBLE ORIGIN OF RYUGU AND BENNU TOP SHAPES" Lunar and Planetary Science Congress (2019) (

  8. Petrov, Romain and Boskri, Abdelkarim and Allouche, Fatme and Agabi, Karim and Bailet, Christophe and Benkhaldoun, Zouhair and Berio, Philippe and Bresson, Yves and Dejonghe, Julien and Elhalkouj, Thami and Folcher, Jean-Pierre and Lagarde, Stéphane and Lopez, Bruno and Matter, Alexis and Meilland, Anthony and Mourard, Denis and Rakshit, Suvendu "A new generation fringe tracker for the VLTI" The Very Large Telescope in 2030 (2019) (doi:10.5281/zenodo.3356288) (

  9. Peyroux, R. and Avdellidou, Chrysa and Harthong, Barthelemy and Schultz, Cody and Britt, Daniel and Price, Mark C and Cole, Mike and Delbo, Marco "Mechanical properties of asteroids analog materials" EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 (2019) (

  10. Peyroux, R. and Avdellidou, Chrysa and Schultz, Cody and Price, Mark C and Cole, Mike and Di Donna, Alice and Harthong, Barthelemy and Delbo, Marco and Britt, Daniel "Hypervelocity impacts on carbonaceous asteroids analogue materials" EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 (2019) (

  11. Schmider, François-Xavier X and Gonçalves, Ivan and Guillot, Tristan and Jackiewicz, Jason and Underwood, Thomas and Gaulme, Patrick and Voelz, David and Appourchaux, Thierry and Boumier, Patrick and Morales-Juberias, Raùl and Ikoma, Masahiro and Sato, Bun'Ei and Izumiura, Hideyuki "Jupiter atmospheric dynamics from ground-based Doppler imaging" EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 (2019) (

  12. Uribe, Diego and Bouchard, Pierre-Olivier and Pino Muñoz, Daniel and Delbo, Marco "Towards a crack propagation criterion and dynamic insertion of cohesive elements applied to thermal fatigue failure of comets/asteroids" Colloque MECAMAT (2019) (

  13. Uribe, Diego and Pino Muñoz, Daniel and Delbo, Marco and Bouchard, Pierre-Olivier "Mesh-independent Crack Propagation under Mixed-Mode Loading using Remeshing and Dynamic Insertion of Cohesive Elements" Sixth International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2019) (2019) (

maj vendredi 8 janvier 2021, 10:38:11 (UTC+0100)