Laboratoire LAGRANGE
Equipe Signal et Image (SI)
ACTI : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international

  1. Févotte, Cédric and Kowalski, Matthieu "Hybrid sparse and low-rank time-frequency signal decomposition" 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015) (2015) (

  2. Flamary, Rémi and Rakotomamonjy, Alain and Gasso, Gilles "Importance sampling strategy for non-convex randomized block-coordinate descent" IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON COMPUTATIONAL ADVANCES IN MULTI-SENSOR ADAPTIVE PROCESSING (2015) (doi:10.1109/CAMSAP.2015.7383796) (

  3. Hamon, Ronan and Borgnat, Pierre and Févotte, Cédric and Flandrin, Patrick and Robardet, Céline "Factorisation de réseaux temporels : étude des rythmes hebdomadaires du système Vélo'v" Colloque GRETSI 2015 (2015) (

  4. Moretto, Gil and Abe, Lyu and Aristidi, E. and Carbillet, Marcel and Epchtein, Nicolas and Vakili, Farrokh and Ziad, Aziz and Langlois, M and Vauglin, Isabelle "How to capitalize the unique Antarctica site performance for astronomy" 3rd Workshop of the SCAR AAA (2015) (

  5. Moretto, Gil and Agabi, A. and Aristidi, Eric and Carbillet, Marcel and Chadid, Merieme and Fossat, Eric and Guillot, Tristan and Vernin, Jean and Ziad, Aziz "Antarctica Dome C astronomy activities update" Third Workshop of the SCAR AAA (2015) (

  6. Schutz, Antony and Ferrari, André and Mary, David and Thiébaut, Eric and Soulez, Ferréol "LARGE SCALE 3D IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION IN OPTICAL INTERFEROMETRY" EUSIPCO (2015) (

  7. Tuia, Devis and Flamary, Rémi and Rakotomamonjy, Alain and Courty, Nicolas "Multitemporal classification without new labels: A solution with optimal transport" Multitemp (2015) (doi:10.1109/Multi-Temp.2015.7245773) (

jeudi 4 juin 2020, 08:56:26 (UTC+0200)