First SKA France Day
The First SKA France Day took place on October 16th, 2017 in the Jaurès amphitheater of the ENS Ulm, Paris.
With 120 participants, including representatives of SKAO, of the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, of organisations and institutions, as well as researchers and industrial partners, the meeting offered an important opportunity for exchanges and questions about the SKA project.
The presentations of the SKA by Phil Diamond (SKA DG) and of SKA France by C. Ferrari (Astronomer at OCA, SKA France coordinator) were followed by ten talks illustrating some of the most original scientific and technological French contributions to the project. The meeting ended with the presentation by G. Marquette (SKA ILO) of the “Maison SKA France”, a new structure towards which the SKA France coordination is evolving.