Our research project is based on the synergy between (i)
high-performance observations, ranging from laboratory scale (on
materials, rocks and meteorites) to deep space (in-situ observations by
space missions, remote observations of extrasolar planets and disks)
and (ii) theoretical and experimental modeling, covering all major
stages of the “Origins” problem, from the formation of the first solids
in the protoplanetary disk to the geological evolution of planets and
small bodies.
We present here the global structure of our research project. This
section focuses on the coherence of the ensemble and its
multidisciplinary aspect. A more detailed description of the individual
research themes is provided in the research page.
The protoplanetary disk a ALMA image of the HL Tau disk
Planet formation starts with the formation of a protoplanetary disk. We
will model the structure and the evolution of these disks using
hydro-dynamical and magneto-hydro-dynamical (MHD) simulations. The
former adopt a prescribed viscosity, but describe the whole disk, while
MHD simulations are more computational expensive and therefore treat
typically only a local portion of the disk, but show important
processes such as the onset of turbulence and the formation of disk
winds. From all these simulations we derive the evolution of density
and temperature as a function of distance from the star, vertical
distance from the mid-plane and time. Using this information, and
thanks to the synergy with the team of chemistry at ICN, we will model
the chemical evolution of the disk, with particular emphasis on organic
material (see Theme 1)
Fortunately, the modeling of protoplanetary disks is not unconstrained.
Disks are observed around young stars, and their properties can be
unveiled with new high-resolution instruments such as ALMA and MATISSE.
ALMA is a radio-interferometer particularly suitable to study the outer
and colder part of the disks. Several of us participate to the proposal
of a “large program” led by A. Dutrey in Bordeaux, and therefore will
have access to the observational results. MATISSE is a spectral
interferometer for the VLTI, combining the light of 4 telescopes in the
near-IR. A member of our Center is the PI of the instrument, built with
a large international consortium. MATISSE will start science operation
by the end of 2018. It will allow imaging the inner parts of the disks,
the site of terrestrial planet formation (see Theme 2). MATISSE will
constrain the disk’s composition (for instance detecting silicates in
both crystalline and amorphous forms and PAHs, the building blocks of
organic chemistry) as well as the disk-wind interactions, which are so
crucial in modern disk models. MATISSE and ALMA will allow also the
localization of the main condensation lines (water, CO,…) which
characterize the global temperature structure of the disk. Thus,
MATISSE is a clear example of convergence between optics and planetary
science, which is one of the assets of our Center. Numerical models and
observations will be confronted with each other, in order to constrain
the global structure of the disks from their observed characteristics,
deduce the existence of vortices, gaps and cavities, which might reveal
the presence of embedded planets and constraining the relative roles of
turbulence and winds in the functioning of the “disk engine” (Theme 1).
MATISSE, however, is quite limited in the number of disks that it can
image. The reason is that the interference fringes can be obtained only
for a very short time, due to the turbulence of the atmosphere. This
severely limits the exposure time and hence the limiting magnitude. To
alleviate the problem it is necessary to couple MATISSE with a fringe
tracker. At the beginning of the operations, MATISSE will be coupled to
the fringe tracker of another VLTI instrument, GRAVITY, but the
solution is far from optimal. Thanks to the world-wide recognized
competences in interferometry in our Center, we have proposed a
breakthrough fringe tracker concept particularly well suited to extend
the limiting magnitude and also the dynamical range of VLTI measures
and images (see A4.1). In the next two years we have to complete the
prototype that will allow us to negotiate with ESO the construction and
installation of such a system on the VLTI. With the appropriate fringe
tracker MATISSE will be able to gain several magnitudes and extend its
targets to a few dozens of protoplanetary disks, allowing us to better
understand the diversity of disk properties.
The first solids and planetesimals
The analysis of meteorites teaches us that the first solids formed in
the disk 4.568Gy ago as Calcium-Aluminum refractory minerals (CAIs);
chondrules formed next, throughout a period of 2-3My. However, their
formation process remains elusive. In particular, chondrules, 100μm-1mm
particles which are the dominant building blocks of meteorites coming
from planetesimals that did not experience global melting, have an
extremely complex structure, with a non-random mixing of olivine
grains, glass, metal inclusions etc. None of the models proposed so far
is able to explain the nature of chondrules in all its complexity.
CAIs and chondrules in the Allende meteorite
The expected locations of formation of CAIs and chondrules
Chondrule formation is one of the subjects for which the synergy
between planetary science and material science is the key. In fact, to
achieve a fundamental breakthrough, it is necessary to analyze in
details their microscopic structure (Theme 5.1). By comparing the
observed microstructure of chondrules with those of synthetic materials
generated in controlled conditions (Theme 5.2) and applying numerical methods developed for the simulation of material evolution (Theme 5.3),
it will be possible to deduce the conditions (e.g. pressure and
temperature gradients, the nature of the inherited materials) at which
the different sub-components formed and got integrated into a
chondrule. For this purpose, the development of a platform for
microanalysis of natural and artificial materials (Theme12.3) is a
strategic investment for our Center. Another strategic infrastructure
is the plasma torch already existing at Laboratoire Persée. This
instrument can monitor the condensation of material as the temperature
decreases from plasma conditions in a controlled manner (Theme12.1). It
will be used to make experiments on the synthesis of condensed
materials (Theme 5.6), to be compared with the chondrules’ components.
The formation of the first planetesimals is also a hot topic of
planetary science. The models have radically evolved over the last 10
years. The classic view of a progressive sticking of individual
particles to form bigger and bigger objects has lost support because
aggregates larger than about 1 mm in size (possibly increasing to ~10cm
for icy aggregates) are expected to bounce or break upon collisions,
rather than to stick. Instead, it has been shown that particles
can clump due to turbulence in the disk or the so-called streaming
instability. Once the clumps of particles are massive enough, the
self-gravity can bind all the particles together, forming a large
planetesimal (of ~100km in size). concentration of solid particles due to the streaming instability, leading to the formation of big planetesimals
Although this new view of planetesimal formation is very promising,
several unknowns persist. The main open questions are: (i) whether
planetesimal formation occurs throughout the protoplanetary disk and
all along its lifetime, or only at specific sites or specific phases,
(iii) whether turbulence favors or prevents planetesimal formation and
(iv) whether chondrule-size particles are large enough to clump, or
they first need to glue together in clusters. To bring an answer to
these questions, while modeling protoplanetary disks we will model also
gas-particles interactions and their feedbacks, looking for conditions
for particle clumping (Theme1). We also collaborate on this topic with A. Johansen, in Lund.
Fortunately, meteorites provide us with a huge number of constraints
for planetesimal formation models. They show what are the building
blocks of planetesimals and their characteristic sizes, when these
blocks came together into the same rock, the mixing of different
materials in different objects, the size of the first planetesimals and
their thermal and collisional history (Theme 5.4).
Thus, the study of meteorites is central to our project, through a
strong synergy between chemistry, petrology and material science, but
also collaborations with foreign partners. The dialog with the
scientists involved in disk modeling and planetesimal formation (Theme 1, Theme 6.1) will be permanent.
Planet formation
Once planetesimals are formed, planet formation can proceed in two
ways. The classic scheme is that planetesimals collide with each other
and grow in mass under the effect of their mutual gravity. These growth
modes are successful in forming a population of planetary embryos, with
masses of the order of the mass of the Moon or Mars. However, they fail
forming objects of several Earth masses, as those required to accrete
massive atmospheres from the gas of the protoplanetary disk and become
giant planets. Thus a different accretion scheme is needed.
This may have been found recently. In has been shown that planetesimals
are very effective in accreting the small particles that drift radially
through the disk, thanks to a combination of gravitational deflection
and gas drag. This growth mode is dubbed pebble accretion and can grow
initially Ceres-mass objects to 10-20 Earth masses within the lifetime
of the disk, provided the mass-flux in pebbles is large enough (but
within realistic limits). Nevertheless a coherent scenario of the
formation of planetesimals to planets, based on the pebble-accretion
process is still missing. Under which conditions giant planets form
only in the outer part of the disk, as in our Solar System, is still
debated. Thus, a major goal of this project (Theme 6.1)
is modeling pebble accretion combined with the collisional and
dynamical evolution of the proto-planets in formation. planet migration
A key aspect of the planet-formation problem is that of migration.
Planets, due to their gravity, modify the distribution of gas in the
disk and, by reaction, migrate towards the central star. Migration
becomes more and more relevant with the growing mass of the
proto-planets. For Mars-mass embryos it can be neglected, but not for
forming giant planets. Migration is a real bottleneck for planet
formation models. At the current state of knowledge on migration, giant
planets should not exist: they should have fallen onto the central star
while growing. Clearly, we are missing something: either some relevant
process that limits migration, or a fundamental aspect of the disk’s
structure/evolution. We are very active on planet migration, with
several relevant contributions in this field (Theme 6.2).
We will continue our investigations along multiple lines, and also in
synergy with the disk modeling effort. The aspects of giant planet
growth and migration are covered by the ANR contract MOJO. A scheme of the Grand Tack model
Terrestrial planet formation is the last step of planetary growth. In
the case of the Solar System the assemblage of the Earth continued for
about 100My. We are leaders in modeling terrestrial planet formation,
with a dynamical model, dubbed Grand Tack, that reproduces the orbital
and mass distribution of the terrestrial planets, the growth timescale
of the Earth and its chemical properties (Theme 6.3). However, the
Grand Tack model assumes a specific migration history of Jupiter and
Saturn. Given what has been said above about our poor understanding of
planet migration, this assumption needs to be validated. We will refine
and update our model according to the results obtained on giant planet
growth and migration. In parallel, we plan to start exploring the
geophysical implications of our model in terms of planetary core
structure, onset of plate tectonics, low order mantle convection and
test the results against the constraints provided by the internal
structure of the terrestrial planets (Theme 9.2 and 9.3). The terrestrial planet formation modeling is funded by the ERC grant Accrete.
Constraints from the global structure of planets and small bodies
In order to test the formation models described above and give them
inputs for improvements, we need to look at the populations of small
bodies and to the planets of our system, which we discuss below.
Small bodies Comet 67P as seen from Rosetta (ESA)
Small bodies are what remains today of the original planetesimal
population(s) from which the planets formed. The Gaia mission,
currently in operation, will provide a huge astrometric, photometric
and spectroscopic database of asteroids. One of us is the responsible
of the Gaia mission for small body observations. A number of follow-up
observations will be done at the Calern site of OCA (Theme 7). Two telescopes of 1m in diameter will be used combining research and training purposes for Ph.D. students (C2PU
program). The capabilities of these telescopes will be incremented by
the development of a new concept of wide-field adaptive optics: the
CIAO project (Theme 4.3), another synergy between optics and planetary
science. We will also follow the transit of asteroids in front of field
stars, determining the size of the occulting body and its projected
shape. The improved Gaia astrometry of stars and asteroids will allow
the accurate prediction of these transit events, which is basically
impossible today. A dozen of events will be observable every
night, which imposes the development of robotic platforms (Theme 7). C2PU telescopes in Calern
Besides this ground-based program, our deep involvement in a number of
space missions to asteroids is one of the highlights of our Center. We
have a strong participation at the Co-I level in the sample-return
missions Hayabusa-II (Jaxa) and OSIRIS-REx (NASA), which will reach
their targets in 2018 and bring samples back to Earth in 2020 and 2023,
respectively (Theme 8.1). Both theses
missions will study primitive asteroids (C-type), with a resolution
comparable to that of the Rosetta mission for the comet
67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. This will allow establishing the
relationship between primitive asteroids and comets, which is of
primary importance for our models. In addition, Hayabusa-II will also
conduct an impact experiment (SCI), with a 2 kg projectile hitting the
asteroid surface at 2 km/s, which will allow us to check our
understanding of the cratering physics on a real asteroid (Theme 8.1, Theme11.5).
We will have guaranteed access to all Hayabusa-II and OSIRIS-REx data
and to the returned samples of OSIRIS-REx (and possibly from
Hayabusa-II). The laboratory analysis of these samples will allow us to
understand the petrological and chemical properties of the primitive
asteroids, with particular emphasis on water alteration and on the
presence of organic material (Theme 5.5). Given the analysis of organic
material collected at the surface of the comet 67P/C–G (Theme10.1),
this will give us another opportunity to compare comets to asteroids.
An analysis of organic material at the surface of Mars, expected with
the ExoMars mission (Theme 10.2), will
then allow linking organic material on the planets to that of asteroids
and comets and test predictions of the terrestrial planet formation
models (Theme 6.3) concerning the delivery of volatiles and organic
material to the planets.
Hyabusa II and Osiris Rex en route towards their asteroid targets
Another ambitious asteroid mission is AIDA (Theme 8.2).
This is a joint NASA/ESA technology mission, currently in phase A/B1,
and led by one of us for the European component. The goal is to test
deflection strategies, in order to acquire the know-how necessary to
deviate asteroids found to be on a collision trajectory with our
planet. The mission, nevertheless, will make important scientific
observations. It will be the first mission visiting a binary asteroid,
which will allow discriminating among the main theories proposed for
their origin. Moreover, it will allow us to have, for the first time, a
direct measurement of an asteroid internal structure by radar
tomography. On top of all, the European spacecraft will observe the
asteroid from close distance while the American spacecraft is
impacting, and this will allow studying the asteroid’s response to an
impact at a scale that is inaccessible in laboratory (see Theme 11.4).
The internal structure of the planets sets strong constraints on how the planets formed. Supposed Interior structures of giant planets
Concerning the internal structure of giant planets we will focus on
Jupiter. Its structure will be constrained using two complementary
approaches: asteroseismology and gravitational field mapping (Theme 9.1).
Asteroseismology consists in measuring the oscillation modes at the
surface of the gaseous object (star, giant planet), which are
diagnostic of the interior structure of the body. We are pioneers in
asteroseismology techniques for giant planets, with the realization of
a first instrument, Sympa, which allowed detecting the oscillations of
Jupiter for the first time. Supported by the ANR contract Jovial, we
are now constructing a new instrument, which will be operational at one
of the C2PU telescopes in Calern, as well as a copy of it to be
delivered to the US in order to extend the time of continued monitoring
of Jupiter. The mapping of the gravitational field of Jupiter will be
provided by NASA’s Juno mission, in which we have a strong
participation at the Co-I level. Juno and Jovial will probe the
abundance of elements heavier than H and He in the planet’s atmosphere
and the mass of the central core. The current core of Jupiter, however,
is not necessarily the original solid proto-planet that triggered the
accretion of the massive atmosphere. The original core might have been
eroded dissolving part of its heavy elements in the atmosphere.
Therefore, a substantial modeling work on the evolution of the interior
structure of Jupiter will be required to assess information on the
original core, which is ultimately the constraint that we need for the
formation models (Theme 6.1).
Earth sismic tomography
The Insight mission
Studying the internal structure of rocky planet is a fantastic domain
of synergy between geoscience and planetary science. The Earth is
clearly our object of reference, for which seismic tomography allows
both global and local imaging of the interior. Geophysicists in our
Center are very active in developing new methods for improved
reconstruction of tomographic images from seismic data and in the use
these new methods for improved interior models of our planet (Theme 9.3). The numerical aspects around the problem of wave propagation in solids are a strong point of synergy with material science (Theme 5.3).
The Insight mission, a partnership between NASA and CNES in which we
are involved at the Co-I level, will bring seismic investigation to
Mars (Theme 9.2). Obviously, with a unique
receiver, Martian probing will not be at the level of that of the Earth
but, nevertheless, it will bring the first information on the deep
Martian interior, including the size of its core, its liquid or solid
state. Modeling tools developed for the global imaging of the Earth
will be essential to set up automatic inversion methods suitable for
the Insight mission. The experience acquired on the Insight mission
will position our Center for a leading role in future seismic missions
proposed for the Moon (possible collaboration between JAXA and CNES). Lunar laser ranging from Calern
Another powerful tool to constrain the interior structure of
terrestrial bodies is mapping the gravity field. For the Earth, this is
done through space geodesy, i.e. tracking with high accuracy using
laser telemetry the motion of low altitude artificial satellites. Our
Center, with current and future laser stations, has a leading expertise
in this technique (Theme 12.5). For the Moon, the gravitational field
has been mapped with exquisite accuracy by NASA’s GRAIL mission, in
which we had a Co-I role. The exploitation of these data is still
ongoing (A9.2). For the reconstruction of the lunar interior, there is
a clear synergy between the GRAIL data and the Laser lunar ranging
data. The MEO telescope in Calern is the only active laser ranging
station in Europe; it has collected data for decades and continues to
do so with ever improving precision. The Lunar laser ranging constrains
the librations of the Moon and the rate at which our satellite migrates
away from us, due to tides (Theme 9.4).
Both measurements constrain the deep interior of the Moon.
Radio-science, i.e. tracking with high precision from the Earth the
position of orbiters and landers of planets, is also a powerful
tool to constrain the gravitational fields, rotation and orbital
dynamics, all of which provide information on the interior structures.
Our Center is involved in the science working group of the BepiColombo
mission to Mercury and, at co-I level, in the JUICE mission to Ganymede
(the largest satellite of Jupiter). Altogether these data will allow a
comprehensive modeling of the interior structures of many bodies, which
will provide great constraints to formation models.
Geological evolutions
Once the planets have formed and have acquired their global structure,
they continue to evolve throughout the history of the Solar System.
Somewhat surprisingly, this is true also for small bodies. The
geological evolution is mostly due to plate tectonics (however, only
the Earth has a full-developed one), volcanism (all terrestrial planets
and the Moon, at least at early times), atmospheric erosion (Venus,
Mars), water erosion (Mars), impacts (all bodies) and thermal fatigue
(small bodies). These processes need to be studied if we want to
understand the current surface morphology of the bodies we observe. In
our Center, the synergy among planetary, geo and material sciences
brings us to focus on the response of material to mechanical and
thermal stresses (Themes 11.1, 8.1)
over a wide range of strain rates, and on the effects that this
response has on the deformation, damaging and fracturing of the
lithosphere, both on Earth (Theme 11.2) and on other planetary or small body surfaces (Theme 11.3). Landslides on comet 67P
The collisional process, leading to either the formation of craters or
to catastrophic disruption depending on the projectile/target mass
ratio and impact velocity, will be studied through hydrodynamic
simulations that include material strength models, testing different
approaches (Eulerian, Lagrangian; see Theme 11.4),
equations of state as well as fracture and damage models that are
appropriate for the wide range of materials and conditions existing
during planetary system formation and evolution. The synergy between
planetary, geo and material sciences, as well as computational science,
is again striking in this case. The models will be validated, as far as
possible, using experiments. Through international collaborations, we
have access to hypervelocity impact facilities equipped with
high-cadence cameras, which allow monitoring the process of
cratering/disruption as it develops and not just the final outcome. The
space missions Hayabusa-II and AIDA will provide additional data for
higher energy collisions (Themes 8.1, 8.2). Simulation of collision on an asteroid
The formation of regolith on the surface of small bodies has been the
object of the ANR contract Shocks, which identified a previously
unconsidered process capable to break rocks into small grains: the
thermal fatigue. This process is due to thermal stresses that rocks
suffer during the day/night cycle. Laboratory experiments have been
conducted and allowed calibrating a thermal fracturing model. However,
different materials (even among meteoritic analogs) respond very
differently to thermal cycles. Taking advantage of the convergence with
material science, a comprehensive study of regolith formation by
thermal fatigue will be conducted for bodies of different compositions (Theme 11.5).
We will also study the dynamical evolution of the regolith under
external effects such as changes in the rotation period of the body or
vibrations due to impacts (Theme 11.6).
This will allow us to interpret the images of asteroids taken from
closely orbiting spacecrafts, gaining insight on how a lander can
interact with these surfaces (Theme 8.1).
This study requires deep competences on granular materials and
computational science, which is another area of synergy between all the
partners of our Center.
Extrasolar planetary systems
The extrasolar planets show us completely different realizations of the
planet formation process, often leading to final structures without
analogues in our Solar System. We know more than 2,000 extrasolar
planets. The next big leap forward in extrasolar planet science will be
ESA’s Plato mission, which will be launched in 2024. Plato will be a
transit-detection mission that will monitor bright stars also
observable with complementary techniques (radial velocity, direct
imaging). The combination of multiple techniques will provide
information on their complete planetary systems. Moreover Plato will be
able to detect Earth-mass planets at about 1 AU from their central
star, i.e. truly Earth analogues. Our participation in the work
packages preparatory to the Plato mission is explained in Theme 3;
it concerns modeling in a coupled way both the transiting planet(s) and
the host star, to derive information on age and physical radius.
With the additional information on the mass of the planet coming from
radio-velocity measurements, these data then allow modeling the
composition and the internal structure of the planets. The ESA Plato mission
However, the Holy Grail remains the direct detection of planets, which
is also the only way to obtain direct spectroscopic information on
their composition. With today instrumentation, including the
chronographers Sphere at VLT and GPI on Gemini, the direct detection of
planets remains limited to massive giant planets, quite far from the
central star. The discovery of analogs of Jupiter and Saturn in terms
of masses and orbital properties would be crucial to test our planet
formation models (Theme 6.1) and to get a
sense of how rare our Solar System is among all planetary systems.
Because of their long orbital periods, Jupiter and Saturn analogs are
basically undetectable by transit and radial-velocity techniques.
Direct imaging is the only option, but this requires a new generation
of instruments for high-dynamics, high-contrast imaging. The three outer planets of HR8799
Again, the synergy with research and development in optics is the key
in this long-term goal. Our Center will carry forward at least three
studies for new techniques or instrumental concepts. KERNEL is a
project that aims at enabling every optical and near-infrared telescope
to reach its ultimate angular resolution potential, beyond the
diffraction limit, at full sensitivity. This project has just been
funded by the ERC (Theme 4.2). Further
along the timeline, we are getting prepared to play a leading role in
the construction of the last instrument scheduled for the European ELT
telescope: the planet imager PCS. This is done with a R&D activity
for preparing strategies and technol¬ogies for high-contrast
instrumentation with segmented telescopes: the SPEED project (Theme 4.4).
Finally, we are involved in an international consortium for the
development of concepts for a new generation of interferometers working
in visible or near-IR lights: the PFI project (Theme 4.5). With PFI,
optical interferometry evolves towards large baselines and multiple
pupils, similar to what is now done (routinely) for radio
interferometers. This ultimate goal, however, requires completely new
techniques, such as the use of heterodyne fibers. The revolution in
extrasolar planetary science passes necessarily through a revolution in
instrumentation. Again, this cannot be done without the contribution of
material science for the development of appropriate materials. The future ESO ELT telescope (39m)