/* **************************************************************************
* file.php
/* **************************************************************************
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* What is an "add-on" ?
* Add-ons are small functions called when the engine get the list of files, and when a
* {@link default.php template} print this list.
* Some of them do minor tricks, {@link webimage.php} create image thumbnails, others add a javascript
* to call a plug-in in a popup (convert a file for example).
* Add-ons are called "on the fly", plug-ins called by a popup, a form, or the parameter action
* in the URL... (in forms this is an hidden field).
* How to use/create add-ons ?
* file.php is the add-on called for all files. For the moment, this does nothing, but you can write here
* function that will apply to all files, e.g. if admin : delete, rename...
* For all add-on (file, images...), you can write two functions :
- addon_XXX_init
* - addon_XXX_display
* ...where XXX stands for :
* - a type (audio, prog_php...), see {@link types.php} ;
* - an extension (mp3, txt, doc...) ;
* - file (apply to all listed files) ;
* - folder (apply to all listed folders).
* In addon_xxx_init, you can change the displayed name, type, size or date.
* Example : in {@link types.php}, I said that .mus, .mut and .box are {@link
* http://www.myriad-online.com Myriad} files, for these files
* I use {@link myriad.php}, and I want to display a more detailed type for
* each extension, because ".mus" is music, ".box" is jukebox, ".myt" is video tutorial...
* In {@link addon_myriad_init}, a simple switch test the extension, and I modify the displayed type.
* The second function addon_xxx_display is more used. It's called when template
* call print_addon() (in {@link functions.php}).
* In this function, we can have image thumbnail generation, a link to get a converted format
* from a word file... and everything you can create :-)
* If you write add-on functions, you must know the following things :
* - you'll have to read/write in some arrays called :
- $tabName : array for file names ;
* - $tabTyp : array for file types ;
* - $tabSize : array for file sizes ;
* - $tabDate : array for file dates ;
* - the functions have one parameter int $idx.
* - you have never to call directly these functions, PHPmyBrowser will do the calls for you ;-)
* - if you want, you can create other functions in the PHP file, and you call these functions
* in addon_xxx_init/display (e.g. {@link addon_webimage_display} call several functions for thumbnails
* creation).
* Examples of code...
* - you want to know file size :
* if ($tabSize[$idx] < 10*1024)
* {
* //your file is less than 10 KB
* }
* else
* {
* //your file is larger
* }
* - you want to change the displayed type :
* $tabTyp[$idx] = 'what you want here';
* @author Sylvain Machefert
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004, Sylvain Machefert
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
* @package Add-Ons-File
if (PHPmyBrowser!="ok")
echo 'Hacking attempt!
Qu\'est-ce que tu fous ici ?';