/* **************************************************************************
* myriad.php
/* **************************************************************************
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This add-on handle {@link http://www.myriad-online.com Myriad} music format files.
* Files produced with Melody Assistant or Harmony Assistant are viewable, playable and
* printable with a little plug-in (1 MB download), it allows visitor to transpose, zoom,
* play, watch lyrics... on Windows and Mac OS.
* The Myriad Plug-in is also used for video tutorials on how to use Myriad softwares.
* In {@link types.php}, I've plenty of file extension joined into 'myriad',
* but each file have a different role (music, tutorial, Myriad script, jukebox, voices...).
* So a first function addon_myriad_init change the 'Type' column to be more precise.
* The second function addon_myriad_display add plug-in or popup with plug-in for
* music files.
* You can change several parameters in {@link config.php}.
* @author Sylvain Machefert
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004, Sylvain Machefert
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
* @package Add-Ons-File
if (PHPmyBrowser!="ok")
echo 'Hacking attempt!
Qu\'est-ce que tu fous ici ?';
* As I explain {@link myriad.php here}, there are various kind of myriad files. I use the
* same add-on file to manage them.
* This function change the type column to specify if the file is a music, a tutorial, a
* voice, a script... for Melody Assistant and Harmony Assistant.
* @param int Index
* @access private
function addon_myriad_init($idx)
global $tabName, $tabTyp, $language;
switch(extension($tabName[$idx])) //extension
{//Personnalise la colonne $tabTyp[$k] en fonction de si c'est une musique, un tuto, un script...
case 'abc':
case 'mu3':
case 'mux': $tabTyp[$idx] = 'Myriad music *'; break;
case 'myr':
case 'mus': $tabTyp[$idx] = 'Myriad music'; break;
case 'box': $tabTyp[$idx] = 'Myriad Jukebox'; break;
case 'myt': $tabTyp[$idx] = 'Myriad tutorial'; break;
case 'mui': $tabTyp[$idx] = 'Myriad instrument'; break;
case 'prv': $tabTyp[$idx] = $language=='fr'?'Voix RealSinger':'RealSinger voice'; break;
case 'rsv': $tabTyp[$idx] = $language=='fr'?'Voix VirtualSinger':'VirtualSinger voice'; break;
case 'fx': $tabTyp[$idx] = $language=='fr'?'Processeur d\'effet Myriad':'Myriad FXs Processor'; break;
case 'lex': $tabTyp[$idx] = $language=='fr'?'Loi Myriad':'Myriad rule set'; break;
case 'myf':
case 'myc':
case 'mys': $tabTyp[$idx] = 'MyrScript'; break;
case 'msa': $tabTyp[$idx] = 'MyrScript Archive'; break;
default: $tabTyp[$idx] = 'Myriad'; break;
* @param int Index
* @return string
* @access private
function addon_myriad_display($idx)
global $ADDON_allowDirectPreview, $tabName, $tabSize, $lang, $currRelatif,
$MYRIAD_maxFileSize, $MYRIAD_pluginHeight, $MYRIAD_pluginWidth,
$MYRIAD_pluginParams, $MYRIAD_pluginParamsInPopup;
if ($ADDON_allowDirectPreview && in_array(extension($tabName[$idx]), array('mus','mu3','myr')))
if ($tabSize[$idx] <= $MYRIAD_maxFileSize*1024)
{ //Affiche dans la page
return "";
{ //popup en JavaScript
return "Myriad Music Plug-in