thumbnails folder. * To increase speed, if a thumbnail already exists and have same size than wanted size (see (@link * config.php}), it's not created again. * A click on the reduced image open a popup with full size image. * If image size is lower than limits you configure, it'll be simply displayed. * * The limits are image height, width and filesize. * * If image format isn't supported or you set {@link $IMG_displayThumbnail} to false, * an icon will allow you to see image in a popup. * * In {@link config.php}, look at all these variables : * - {@link $ADDON_allowDirectPreview} * - {@link $IMG_displayThumbnail} * - {@link $IMG_maxHeight} * - {@link $IMG_maxWidth} * - {@link $IMG_maxSize} * * The thumbnails are created if a thumbnails exist in custom folder or in main engine folder * (see {@link index.php}). Under linux, check folder permissions. If thumbnails is unwriteable, * they are not generated ! * * @author Sylvain Machefert * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004, Sylvain Machefert * @license GNU Public License * @package Add-Ons-File * * @todo Thumbnails : manage PNG transparency when no 100% transparent. Seems to be very hard with GD. */ if (PHPmyBrowser!="ok") { echo 'Hacking attempt!
Qu\'est-ce que tu fous ici ?'; exit; } // && in_array($tabIcon[$d], array('gif','jpg','jpe','jpeg','jif','jfif','png','bmp')) $thumbsDir = ''; if (is_dir($PHPmyBrowserCustom.'thumbnails/') && is_writeable($PHPmyBrowserCustom.'thumbnails/')) $thumbsDir = $PHPmyBrowserCustom.'thumbnails/'; else $thumbsDir = $PHPmyBrowserFolder.'thumbnails/'; /** * handle image, resize or display or add javascript code to open full-size image in popup. * @param int Index * @return string * @access private */ function addon_webimage_display($idx) { global $ADDON_allowDirectPreview, $tabSize, $tabName, $PHPmyBrowserCustom, $PHPmyBrowserFolder, $IMG_displayThumbnail, $IMG_maxHeight, $IMG_maxWidth, $IMG_maxSize, $curr, $currRelatif, $lang, $thumbsDir; if ($ADDON_allowDirectPreview) { $wThumb = false; $a = ''; $DoNotDisplayImage = false; if ($tabSize[$idx] > ($IMG_maxSize * 1024)) { $DoNotDisplayImage = true; } $imgsize = @getimagesize($curr.$tabName[$idx]); if (($imgsize[IMG_HEIGHT] > $IMG_maxHeight) || ($imgsize[IMG_WIDTH] > $IMG_maxWidth)) { $DoNotDisplayImage = true; } if (!$DoNotDisplayImage) { $img = $currRelatif.str_replace('%2F','/', str_replace('+','%20', urlencode($tabName[$idx]) )); return ''; } else { if ($IMG_displayThumbnail && isGDSupported($tabName[$idx]) && is_writeable($thumbsDir) && ($IMG_maxHeight > 0) && ($IMG_maxWidth > 0) && ($IMG_maxSize > 0) ) {//Create thumbnails //If not loaded GD disable thumbnails $wThumb = (extension_loaded('gd') || extension_loaded('gd2')); } if ($wThumb) //Si c'est possible de faire des miniatures, if thumbnail is possible $a = webimage_redim($tabName[$idx]); else //Si pas de miniature, if no thumbnail $a .= 'src="'.choose_right_file('images/view_image.gif').'"'; return ""; } } } /** * Resize an image... * @access private */ function webimage_redim($filename) { global $curr, $IMG_maxWidth, $IMG_maxHeight, $thumbsDir; $img_dest_file = str_replace(array('/',' ','\'','"','(',')','@','{','}','[',']','&','$','!','§', ',','%','~','#','`',':','\\') ,'_', $curr.$filename); $size = getimagesize(imageresize($curr.$filename, $thumbsDir.$img_dest_file, $IMG_maxWidth, $IMG_maxHeight)); $img_dest = $thumbsDir . str_replace('+','%20', urlencode($img_dest_file)); return ((isIE() && (extension($img_dest)=='png')) ?'src="'.choose_right_file('images/blank.gif').'" style="filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\''.$img_dest.'\', sizingMethod=\'scale\');' :'src="'.$img_dest.'"') .' width="'.$size[IMG_WIDTH].'" height="'.$size[IMG_HEIGHT].'" '; } /** * @access private */ function isIE() { global $_SERVER; $agt = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); return ( ereg('msie', $agt) && !ereg('opera', $agt) && !ereg('webtv', $agt) && !ereg('mac', $agt) ); } ?>