UK MHD Meeting 2004
Thursday 6th and Friday 7th May 2004
Nice - Cote D'Azur
Laboratory Cassiopée UMR6202 CNRS
Observatory of the Cote d'Azur
Oscillations in Solar and Stellar Flaring Loops
Adam Kelly,
V.M. Nakariakov
and T.D. Arber,
University of Warwick
Observations of flaring loops in
radio, visible and x-ray bands show
quasi-periodic pulsations with periods in the range 10-300s. Recent
studies have shown that these oscillations can be interpreted as
standing slow
magnetoacoustic waves. Energy deposition from the flare, through the
chromospheric evaporation, excites the second standing harmonic, with
period determined by the temperature and the loop length. The excited
longitudinal oscillations are practically dissipationless and can,
possibly, be
considered as MHD autowaves. Numerical simulations with a wide range of
durations and choices of heat deposition location show that the second
is a common feature of flaring loops.