UK MHD Meeting 2004
Thursday 6th and Friday 7th May 2004
Nice - Cote D'Azur
Laboratory Cassiopée UMR6202 CNRS
Observatory of the Cote d'Azur
hyperviscosity spoil the inertial range ?
Axel Brandenburg
& Nils Erland L. Haugen, Nordita
Since the work of Biskamp and Mueller (2000, Phys. Plasmas 12, 4889)
there has been serious concern that a major part of the inertial
range is spoiled by using simulations with hyperviscosity.
We present a series of high resolution simulations to show that the
inertial range is unaffected by hyperviscosity. The bottleneck
effect (i.e. a shallower spectrum near the end of the dissipation
range) is a physical effect and its spectral width is the same
with and without hyperviscosity. In nonhelical MHD, hyperviscous
simulations are presented that show a trend towards asymptotic
equipartition in the inertial range.