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UK MHD Meeting 2004 

Thursday 6th and Friday 7th May 2004

Nice - Cote D'Azur

Laboratory Cassiopée UMR6202 CNRS 
Observatory of the Cote d'Azur

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A Hybrid Approach to Magnetic Holes

Bryan Simon ,  University of Warwick

Magnetic Holes (MH) are isolated dips in magnitude in an otherwise unperturbed magnetic field.
Their study has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years following an influx in data from new space missions.
To model MHs, we use a hybrid code, which treats the electrons as a Hall-MHD fluid, but retains ion particles to accommodate kinetic effects.
As part of on-going investigations, we use the code to explore the possibility of
obliquely propagating Alfv\'en waves or fast magnetoacoustic waves developing
into stable slow moving structures in high-$\beta$,
mirror stable plasmas that fit recent satellite data.
Parametric studies of the MH evolution were performed and compared with observational data.

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