UK MHD Meeting 2004
Thursday 6th and Friday 7th May 2004
Nice - Cote D'Azur
Laboratory Cassiopée UMR6202 CNRS
Observatory of the Cote d'Azur
Absolute and
convective instabilities of circularly polarized Alfvén
waves: Decay instability
David Simpson, University of
The absolute and convective
instabilities of a circularly polarized Alfvén wave propagating
parallel to the ambient magnetic field are studied.
We impose the restriction that the plasma beta is less than 1 and that
the amplitude of the wave, a, is small in order to make analytical
We find an interval for the velocity of the reference frame with
respect to the rest plasma where the wave absolutely unstable.
When the wave is convectively unstable we show that spatially
amplifying waves exist in two symmetric frequency bands of order
The implication of the results on the interpretation of observational
data is discussed.