UK MHD Meeting 2004
Thursday 6th and Friday 7th May 2004
Nice - Cote D'Azur
Laboratory Cassiopée UMR6202 CNRS
Observatory of the Cote d'Azur
oscillations in a non-linear solar dynamo model
Paul Bushby
DAMTP University of Cambridge
Cyclic variations are observed in the
solar differential rotation profile.
The 11 year periodicity of these (so-called) torsional oscillations is
consistent with the idea that they are magnetically driven.
It is possible to investigate this process by considering a simple
mean-field model
for the solar dynamo which incorporates the non-linear feedback of the
Lorentz force upon the angular velocity.
It is shown that it is possible to reproduce a solar-like pattern of
torsional oscillations,
even in models where the dynamo action is strongly modulated.