The "Solitons in Their Roaring Forties" CPNLW09 Conference (Coherence and Persistence in Nonlinear Waves ) has been held at " Nice University, Campus Valrose" from Tuesday, the 6th of January til Friday, the 9th of January, 2009. It was located in central Nice, easily available with the new tram. This conference has brought together theorists and experimentalists from many different backgrounds interested in tackling nonlinear waves in practical problems. General continuous as well as discrete integrable (or close to integrable) systems have been considered with a special emphasis on real and new applications. Specific topics covered inhomogeneities, linear-nonlinear couplings, singular solitons, special domain geometry, topological excitations, parameter identification and controlled motion of pulses. Recent results in new realms of nonlinearity, like space physics, quantum-mechanical matter waves, biology and physiology, have been welcome. Indeed, this CPNLW09 conference aims to emphasize the universality and robustness with respect to perturbations of the main nonlinear wave models. The members of the scientific advisory committe, chaired by Prof. H. Segur, are listed here . They helped the organizers to select lectures if necessary. Lecturers were urged to present talks that are easily accessible to colleagues from various fields and all newcomers were encouraged to give their own perspective. Talks and pictures of the conference are listed |

organizers : Jean Guy Caputo, Didier Clamond, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Gilbert Reinisch and Majid Taki