Scientific Publications
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Busch M.W., Barucci, M.A., Benner, L.A.M., Scheeres, D.J., Giorgini, D.J. 2013. Near-Earth Asteroid 341843 (2008 EV5), target of the ESA’s MarcoPolo-R mission. Presented at the 64th International Astronautical Congress, Beijing, China. (pdf).
Barucci, M.A., Michel, P., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.-M., Marty, B., Koschny, D., Agnolon, D., Chalex R., Martin, P., and Romstedt, J. 2013. MarcoPolo-R ESA Sample Return Mission to 2008EV5 (A Potentially Hazardous Asteroid). Presented at the Planetary Defense Conference, Flagstaff, USA (pdf).
Michel, P., Barucci, M.A., Cheng, A., Böhnardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I., Green, S.F., Lara, L.-M., Marty, B., Koschny, D., Agnolon, D. 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Near Earth Asteroid Sample Return Mission Selected for the Assessment Study Phase of the ESA program Cosmic Vision. Acta Astronautica, in press (pdf)
Barucci, M.A., Cheng, A.F, Michel, P., Benner, L.A.M., Binzel, R.P., Bland, P.A., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Campo Bagatin, A., Cerroni, P., Dotto, E., Fitzsimmons, A., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.M., Licandro, J., Marty, B., Muinonen, K., Nathues, A., Oberst, J., Rivkin, A.S., Robert, F., Saladino, R., Trigo-Rodriguez, J.M., Ulamec, S., M. Zolensky 2011. MarcoPolo-R: Near Earth Asteroid sample return mission. Experimental Astronomy, DOI 10.1007/s10686-011-9231-8 (pdf)
Abstracts in International Conferences
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Ehrenfreund, P., Ulamec, S., Barucci, M.A., Michel, P., Cheng, A., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.-M., Marty, B., Koschny, D. 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Near Earth Asteroid sample return mission in ESA assessment study phase. International Astronautical Congress 2012, Naples (Italy), October 2012 (pdf)
Michel, P., Barucci, M.A., Cheng, A.F., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.M., Marty, B., D. Koschny 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Near Earth Asteroid sample return mission candidate as ESA M3-class mission. General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) 2012 (Joint Discussion 5: From meteors and meteorites to their parent bodies), Beijing (China), August 2012 (pdf)
Michel, P., Barucci, M.A., Cheng, A.F., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.M., Marty, B., D. Koschny 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Near Earth Asteroid sample return mission candidate as ESA M3-class mission. General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) 2012 (Special Session 7: Impact Hazard), Beijing (China), August 2012 (pdf)
Barucci, M.A., Michel, P., Cheng, A.F, Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.M., Marty, B., D. Koschny, D. Agnolon, J. Romstedt 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Near Earth Asteroid sample return mission candidate as ESA M3-class mission. Oral communication at the 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Event B.06), Mysore (India), July 2012 (pdf)
Brucato, J.R., Barucci, M.A., Michel, P., Cheng, A.F, Böhnhardt, H., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.M., Marty, B., D. Koschny, D. Agnolon, J. Romstedt 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Asteroid sample return mission. Oral communication at the 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Event B.04), Mysore (India), July 2012 (pdf)
Barucci, M.A., Michel, P., Cheng, A.F, Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.M., Marty, B., D. Koschny, D. Agnolon, J. Romstedt 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Near Earth Asteroid sample return mission. Oral communication at the 9th International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW), Toulouse (France), June 2012 (pdf)
Michel, P., Barucci, M.A., Cheng, A.F., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.M., Marty, B., D. Koschny 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Near Earth Asteroid sample return mission in assessment study phase of ESA M3-class missions. Invited Talk at Asteroids Comets Meteors (ACM) 2012, Nigata (Japan), May 2012 (pdf)
Ehrenfreund, P., Ulamec, S., Barucci, M.A., Michel, P., Cheng, A., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.-M., Marty, B., Koschny, D. 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Near Earth Asteroid sample return mission in ESA assessment study phase. Astrobiology Science Conference 2012, Atlanta (US), April 2012 (pdf)
Barucci, M.A., Michel, P., Cheng, A.F, Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.M., Marty, B., D. Koschny 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Near Earth Asteroid sample return mission in ESA assessment study phase. International meeting of the European Geophysical Union (EGU), Vienna (Austria), April 2012 (pdf)
Barucci, M.A., Michel, P., Cheng, A.F, Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.M., Marty, B., D. Koschny, D. Agnolon, J. Romstedt 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Asteroid sample return mission in ESA assessment study phase. Oral communication at UK-Germany National Astronomy Meeting (NAM) 2012, March 2012 (pdf)
Barucci, M.A., Michel, P., Cheng, A.F, Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.M., Marty, B., D. Koschny 2012. MarcoPolo-R: Near Earth Asteroid sample return mission selected for ESA assessment study phase. Poster at the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Congress (LPSC), The Woodlands (USA), March 2012 (pdf)
Barucci, M.A., Michel, P., Cheng, A.F, Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Dotto, E., Ehrenfreund, P., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Lara, L.M., Marty, B., D. Koschny 2012. MarcoPolo-R mission. Poster at the Joint Meeting DPS-EPSC 2011, Nantes (France), October 2011 (pdf)
The former Marco Polo mission study at ESA for an assessment phase in 2007-2009 has been the subject of scientific papers published in International Journals and Proceedings of Scientific Meetings. Oral and poster communications have also been devoted to the mission Marco Polo. These materials can be downloaded on this page.
Scientific papers and proceedings
Michel, P. and the Marco Polo Science Study Team 2009. The Marco Polo space mission: a sample return from a primitive Near-Earth Object under assessment study in the Cosmic Vision Program of the European Space Agency. 72nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoretical Society. Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, p. 5261, Nancy, France, July 2009.
Koschny, D., Barucci, A.M., Yoshikawa, M., Boehnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Coradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I., Green, S.F., Josset, J.L., Kawaguchi, J., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Yano, H., Binzel, R.P., Agnolon, D., Romstedt, J. 2009. Marco Polo — A Mission to Return a Sample from a Near-Earth Object – science requirements and operational scenarios. Proceedings of the ISTS 2009 Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, July 2009.
Michel, P., Barucci A., Yoshikawa, M., Koschny, D., Boehnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Coradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I., Green, S.F., Josset, J.L., Kawaguchi, J., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Yano, H., Binzel, R.P., Agnolon, D., Romstedt, J. 2009. The Marco Polo mission: a sample return from a low-albedo Near Earth Object in the ESA Cosmic Vision Program 2015-2025. Proceedings of the 1st IAA Planetary Defense Conference 2009, ESA Proceedings, Grenada (Spain), April 26-30, 2009.
Dotto, E., Barucci, M.A., Yoshikawa, M., Koschny, D., Boehnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Coradini, M., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Josset, J.L., Kawagushi, J., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Yano, H. & Binzel, R. 2008. Marco Polo: Near-Earth Object Sample Return Mission. In Mem. S. A. It. 75, Proceedings of the VIII Italian Planetary Sciences Meetings, 282-288.
Barucci, M.A., Yoshikawa, M., Michel, P., Kawagushi, J., Yano, H., Brucato, J.R., Franchi, I.A., Dotto, E., Fulchignoni, M., Ulamec, S. & the Marco Polo Science Team. 2008. MARCO POLO: Near Earth Object Sample Return Mission. Experimental Astronomy 23, 785-808.
Oral and poster communications in International Scientific Meetings
Dotto, E., Barucci, M.A., Yoshikwa, M., Koschny, D., Boehnardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Coradini, M., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Josset, JL, Kawaguchi, J., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., H. Yano, R.P. Binzel 2009. MARCO POLO: A Near Earth Object Sample Return Mission in the ESA program Cosmic Vision 2015-2025. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 41, DPS meeting, Puerto Rico (10/2009).
Boehnardt, H., Barucci, M.A., Yoshikawa, M., Koschny, D., Brucato, J.R., Coradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Josset, J.L., Kawagushi, J., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Yano, H., Binzel, R.P. Marco Polo, a sample return mission to a primitive near-Earth object. Oral communication at the European Planetary Science Congress 2009, EPSC Abstract CD-Rom, Postdam, Germany, September 21-25, 2009.
Michel, P. and the Marco Polo Science Study Team 2009. The Marco Polo space mission: a sample return from a primitive Near-Earth Object under assessment study in the Cosmic Vision Program of the European Space Agency. Oral communication at the Meteoretical Society Meeting, Nancy, France, July 2009.
Barucci, M.A., Yoshikawa, M., Koschny, D., Boehnardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Coradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Josset, J.L., Kawagushi, J., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Yano, H., Binzel, R.P. 2008. Marco Polo : Near-Earth Object Sample Return Mission. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 40, DPS meeting, Ithaca (10/2008).
Michel, P. and the Marco Polo Science Study Team 2008. The Marco Polo space mission: a sample return from a primitive Near-Earth Object under assessment study in the Cosmic Vision Program of the European Space Agency. Poster at the European Planetary Science Congress 2008, EPSC Abstract CD-Rom, Munster, Germany, September 22-26, 2008.
Koschny, D., Barucci, A.M., Yoshikawa, M., Boehnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Coradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I., Green, S.F., Josset, J.L., Kawaguchi, J., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Yano, H., Binzel, R.P., Agnolon, D., Romstedt, J. 2008. Probing the origin of the Solar System - Marco Polo, a Near-Earth Object sample return mission. 59th International Astronautical Congress 2008, Space Exploration Symposium (A3.) Small Bodies Missions and Technologies (5.), Glasgow, Scotland, October 2008.
Green, S., Barucci, A., Yoshikawa, M., Koschny, D., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J., Coradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I., Josset, J.-L., Kawaguchi, j., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Yano, H., Binzel, R. 2008. A joint JAXA-ESA mission to return a sample from an asteroid – Marco Polo. Poster presented at European Planetary Science Congress 2008, Muenster, Germany, 21-26 September, 2008, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 3, EPSC2008-A-00610.
Brucato, J.R., Barucci, M.A., Agnolon, D., Binzel, R., Boehnhardt, H., Corradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Josset, J.L., Kawaguchi, J., Koschny, D., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Romstedt, J., Yano, H., Yoshikawa, M. 2009. The Marco Polo study mission: a European opportunity to return samples from a Near Earth Object for laboratory studies. Oral communication at the Conference Future Ground based Solar System Research: Synergies with Space Probes and Space Telescope, Elba, Italy, September 2008.
Barucci, M., Yoshikawa, M., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J., Coradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I., Green, S., Josset, J.-L., Kawaguchi, J., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Yano, H., Binzel, R., Agnolon, D., Romstedt, J. 2008. Marco Polo: A sample return mission from a near Earth Object. Oral presentation at 8th European Workshop on Astrobiology, Neuchatel, Switzerland, Sep. 1-3, 2008.
Michel, P. 2008. The mission Marco Polo: From the Proposal to the current Assessment Study. Invited Lecture at the Summer School Alpach 2008: Sample return from Moon, Asteroids and Comets, Alpach (Austria), July 22-31, 2008.
Koschny, D., Barucci, A.M., Yoshikawa, M., Boehnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Coradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I., Green, S.F., Josset, J.L., Kawaguchi, J., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Yano, H., Binzel, R.P., Agnolon, D., Romstedt, J. 2008. Marco Polo - A mission to return a sample from a Near-Earth Object. Oral communication at the Asteroid Comets Meteor 2008, Balitmore, USA, July 2008.
Romstedt, J., Barucci, M.A., Yoshikawa, M., Koschny, D., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J., Coradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I., Green, S.F., Josset, J.-L., Kawaguchi, J., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Pillinger, J., Prieur, D., Yano, H., Agnolon, D. 2008. Planetary Protection Issues for the Marco Polo NEO Sample Return Mission. Oral communication at 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada , 13-20 July 2008, Abstract 9.
Barucci, M.A., Yoshikawa, M., Koschny, D., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J., Coradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Josset, J.-L., Michel., P., Kawaguchi, J., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Yano, H., and the Marco Polo Science Team 2008. Science of Marco Polo : Near-Earth Object Sample Return Mission. Oral presentation at 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada , 13-20 July, 2008, Abstract 22.
Muinonen, K., Barucci, M.A., Yoshikawa, M., Koschny, D., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J., Coradini, M, Dotto, E., Franchi, I., Green, S.F., Josset, J.-L., Michel, P., Kawaguchi, J., Oberst, J., Yano, H. 2008. Marco Polo: Near-Earth Object Sample Return Mission. Oral presentation at the AOGS meeting, Busan, Korea, June 16-20, 2008.
Dotto, E., Barucci, M.A., Yoshikwa, M., Koschny, D., Boehnardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Coradini, M., Franchi, I.A., Green, S.F., Josset, JL, Kawaguchi, J., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., H. Yano, R.P. Binzel 2008. Marco Polo: Near Earth Object Sample Return Mission. Oral communication at the 52nd Congresso Società Astronomica Italiana (SAIt), Teramo, Italy, May 2008
Green, S.F., Barucci, M.A., Yoshikawa, M., Koschny, D., Böhnhardt, H., Brucato, J.R., Coradini, M., Dotto, E., Franchi, I.A., Josset, J.-L., Kawaguchi, J., Michel, P., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Yano, H., Binzel, R.P. 2008. Marco Polo: Near-Earth Object Sample Return Mission. Oral presentation at NAM 2008, Belfast, Ireland, 30 Mar – 4 April, 2008. Abstract P25/208, Conference Guide and abstracts volume p. 80.
Barucci, M.A., Yoshikawa, M., Koschny, D., Michel, P., Kawaguchi, J., Yano, H., Brucato, J., Dotto, E., Franchi, I., Böhnhardt, H., Green, S., Josset, J.-L., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J., Agnolon, D., Romstedt, J. 2008. Marco Polo: Near-Earth Object Sample Return Mission. Abstract EGU2008-A-12392. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 13-18 April, 2008. Geophysical Research Abstracts 10, EGU2008-A-12392.
Barucci, M.A., Yoshikawa, M., Michel, P., Kawagushi, J., Yano, H., Brucato, J.R., Franchi, I.A., Dotto, E., Fulchignoni, M., Ulamec, S., Boehnahardt, H., Coradini, M., Gree, S.F., Josset, J.L., Koschny, D., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J. 2008. Marco Polo: a Near Earth Object sample return mission. Poster at the 39th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1746, Houston, Texas, USA (03/2008).
Barucci, M.A., Yoshikawa, M., Michel, P., Kawaguchi, J., Yano, H., Brucato, J.R., Franchi, I.A., Dotto, E., Fulchignoni, M., Ulamec, S., Boehnhardt, H., Coradini, M., Green, S.F., Josset, J.-L., Koschny, D., Muinonen, K., Oberst, J. and the Marco Polo science team 2008. MARCO POLO: Near Earth Object Sample Return Mission. Oral presentation at International Primitive Body Exploration Working Group (IPEWG), Okinawa, Japan, 14-15 January, 2008.
Green, S.F., Franchi, I. 2007. MARCO-POLO – Near Earth Object Sample Return Mission. Oral presentation at RAS Robert Hutchison memorial meeting, London, 12 Oct, 2007.
Michel, P., Barucci, A., NEOSR Team 2007. A sample return mission to a pristine NEO submitted to ESA CV 2015-2025. European Planetary Science Congress 2007, Potsdam (Germany), August 19-24, 2007.
Barucci, M.A. and the NEO-SR mission team 2006. NEO sample return mission. Presented at IAU 26th General Assembly, Prague, 2006. Abstract S236-41.