Euro MHD flag  EURO MHD 2008  (Nice : 23th - 26th September 2008)


   If any informations are not correct, please do not hesitate to inform the organisers.      

 Name Institution Asked  for a  talk/poster/none title dinner payment status of the Reservation M.D.S at  29th August
1 A. Alexakis
ENS Paris talk
Modeling anisotropic MHD turbulence
1 done ok
R. Avalos-Zuniga
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztaplapa, Mexico.
Stability analysis of an oscillating homopolar disc dynamo
1 done ?
J. Baerenzung NCAR USA talk
Spectral modeling of magnetohydrodynamic turbulent flows
1 done -----
M. Berhanu ENS Paris poster
Oscillations to reversals in the Von Karman Sodium dynamo.
0 done ?
N. Berkoff U. Leeds none -- 1 done ?
B. Bigot oca talk
Development of anisotropy in incompressible MHD turbulence
1 done ----
L. Bigotocanone--1done
M. Bourgoin INPG Grenoble none -- 1 w ?
P. Cardin U. Grenoble talk
Experimental measurements of Alfven waves in a liquid metal
1 done ok
10 F. Cattaneo U. of Chicago/ANL talk MRI driven turbulence and dynamo action 1 done ok
S. Childress U. none ---    1 done Hotel
A. Courvoisier U. of Leeds poster The influence of spatial coherence on mean induction and diffusion. 1 done ok
F. Daviaud CEA Saclay none --- 0 done ok
C. Davies U. of Leeds none --- 1 done ok
E. Dormy ENS Paris/IPGP talk
Time scales separation for dynamo action
1 done ok
D. Fearn U. Glasgow none --- 1 done ok
C. Forest
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Numerical Simulations of a Plasma Dynamo and MRI Experiment
1 done ?
N.  Gagnière LGIT Grenoble poster
The modified Taylor's state with turbulent Ekman layers and comparison with experimental results
1 done ok
P. Garaud
U. California Santa Cruz
 The solar tachocline
1 done ?
20 L. Garcia de Andrade U. Estado do Rio de janeiro poster
Stretching dynamos in compact curved Riemannian spaces
1 done ?
A. Giesecke FZD germany talk
Kinematic dynamos in cylindrical geometry
1 done ?
C. Gissinger ENS Paris talk
Modelisation and simulations of dynamo experiments
1 done ?
C. Gissinger ENS Paris poster
Numerical simulation of galactic dynamo
-- --- ----
L. Goudard IPGP/ENS talk
Dynamo-Region Geometry Controlling Stars and Planets Magnetic Behavior
1 w ok
C. Guervilly LGIT talk
Numerical simulations of spherical Couette dynamos
1 done ?
W. Herreman IRPHE U. Marseille talk
Kinematic dynamo of inertial waves
1 done ?
H. Homann OCA talk
Clustering of passive impurities in MHD-turbulence
1 done -----
D. Hughes U. of Leeds talk Dynamos driven by Shear and Turbulent Convection 1 done hotel
A. Jackson ETH Zurich poster
Simple 3-D Taylor State Models of Earth's Core
1 done ok
D. Jault LGIT Grenoble talk
Quasi-geostrophic modelling of the geomagnetic secular variation
1 done ok
30 C. Jones U. of Leeds talk
Zonal flows and Jupiter's dynamo
1 done ?
K. Kuzanyan U. of Leeds talk
Compressible convection in rapidly rotating spherical atmospheres of giant planets
1 done ?
W. Kuang NASA Goddard Space Flight Center talk
Variation of the Dynamo domain and sudden termination of Mars Dynamo
1 done ?
R. Laguerre ULB none --- 1 done ?
J. Leorat
CNRS et Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
MHD problems in heterogeneous domains with conducting and permeability jumps
1 done ok
N. Leprovost U. Sheffield talk
Dynamo quenching due to Shear
0 done
L. Marradioca none---1done--
S. Mathis
EA/DSM/IRFU/Service d'Astrophysique
Magneto-Gravito-Inertial waves in strongly stratified stellar interiors
1 w ?
R. MonchauxLEGI none---1w
W. Mouhali
Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
Cyclonic vortex regime in a precessing cylinder flow
1 done ok
40 V. Morin
ENS lyon
Numerical investigation of the dynamo bifurcation in Geodynamo Models
1 done ?
A. Newton U. Sheffield talk
Numerical Investigation into sheared MHD turbulence
1 done ok
A. Noullez OCA none  --- 1 done ----
C. Nore
LIMSI-CNRS, Universite Paris Sud 11
Impact of impellers in the VKS2 dynamo experiment
1 done ----
C. Normand IPhT, CEA-Saclay Poster
modal versus energetic stability of cylindrical kinematic dynamos
1 w ok
T. Passot OCA none --- 1 done ----
L. Petitdemange
Magnetostrophic MRI in the Earth's Outer Core
1 w ok
F. Petrelis ENS Paris talk
Excitability in the vicinity of a saddle-node bifurcation: a mechanism for reversals
1 done ok
J.F Pinton ENS Lyon none --- 1 done ----
N.  Plihon ENS Lyon talk
The synthetic Bullard-Von Karman dynamo
1 w ?
50 F. Plunian LGIT Grenoble talk
Oscillating Ponomarenko dynamo in the highly conducting limit
1 done ?
H. Politano OCA none  --- 3 done ----
Y. Ponty OCA talk   Dynamo simulations inside Pseudo-Penalisation Boundaries  4 done ----
M.  Proctor DAMTP, U. of cambridge, UK talk
Interactions of An Unstable Shear Flow With A Convectively Unstable Region
1  done ok
A. Pouquet NCAR talk Waves and turbulence in MHD 1 done hotel
K.H. Radler
Astrophysical Institute Potsdam
Mean-field effects in the Galloway-Proctor flow
2 done ?
A. Ribeiro LIMSI Paris none --- 1 w ?
R.L. Ricca
U. Milano-Bicocca
On the groundstate energy of knotted magnetic flux tubes
1 done ?
- R.L. Ricca
U. Milano-Bicocca
A simple kinematical model for Stretch-Twist-Fold dynamo
-- --- ----
K. Richardson U. Cambridge poster
Effects of Fluctuations on Alpha Omega Dynamo Models: Spatial and Temporal Variation
1 done ok
P. Roberts UCLA talk
Numerical simulation of a spherical dynamo excited by a flow of von Karman type
2 done ok
60 I.Rogachevskii Ben-Gurion U talk Nonhelical mean-field dynamos in sheared turbulence 1 done ok
T. Rogers University of Arizona talk
The interaction of Internal Gravity Waves and Magnetic Fields
1 done ?
G. RousseauU. Nicenone ---1w
G.Ruediger AIP talk MRI and Tayler instability in the laboratory 1 p ok
N.  Schaeffer LGIT Grenoble none  --- 1 done ?
A. Schekochinin U. college of London talk
Saturation of small-scale dynamo and spontaneous formation of current sheets
1 done ok
D. Schmitt LGIT U. Grenoble talk
Magneto-inertial waves in a rotating fluid sphere
1 done ok
A. Shukurov U. Newcastle talk
Flux rope dynamos
1 done ?
L. Silvers U. cambridge poster
Long-term nonlinear behaviour of the magnetorotational instability 
in a localized model of an accretion disc
1 done ok
D. Sokoloff Moscow State U. talk Magnetic field in fluctuating ABC flow 1 done hotel
70 A. Soward U. of Exeter talk
 Shear-layers in magnetohydrodynamic spherical Couette flow with conducting walls
2 done  ok
S. Tobias U. of Leeds talk
How do dynamos saturate?
2 done ok
N. Toque AIP none --- 1 done ok
G. Verhille ENS Lyon talk
Velocity Measurement in a Screw Flow
1 w ?
D. Vincenzi U. de Nice none --- 1 done ---
75 T. Yousef Imperial College talk
New results on dynamo action in sheared and rotating turbulence
1 done ok
T. wood U. Cambridge poster
Magnetic confinement in the Solar Interior
1 done ?