Oliver Hahn
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Laboratoire Lagrange
Boulevard de l'Observatoire
CS 34229
06304 NICE
+33 (0)4 92 00 30 62 phone
oliver.hahn AT oca.eu
My main research focus is numerical simulations of structure formation in the Universe.
Starting from our understanding of the very early
universe, I perform simulations of a wide range of scales:
how dark matter collapses and forms the seeds of galaxies,
how the large-scale filamentary network of galaxies arises
from the counteracting forces of the expansion of the
universe and the pull of gravity; how the largest collapsed
objects in the universe - clusters of hundreds and thousands
of galaxies - form and evolve and what we can learn about
our universe from those most extreme objects; and how
galaxies form as part of the large-scale structure that
feeds them with gas. I am also interested in developing
numerical simulation techniques that allow us to answer
questions about the universe both more precisely and more