Nonlinear Cosmology Program 2006 @ Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Nice, January 25–27, 2006
Current program of the meeting:
All talks will last 35 min plus about 3 min short
discussion and about 2 min for switching computer/video
The content of the discussion sessions will be defined by an iterative
process, in which all participants have a chance to suggest topics.
Some suggestions have already been made, mostly by Jim Peebles
(as indicated in brackets). More on discussion sessions here.
Day 1, Wed Jan 25:
- 9:40-11:00
- Debbasch:
- A mean field theory for general relativity
- Matarrese:
- On cosmic acceleration from backreaction
- 11:00-11:30
- Coffee
- 11:30-12:10
- Triay:
- The cosmological constant problem
- 12:10-12:50
- Discussion [suggested: the cosmological constant
- 12:50-14:30
- Lunch
- 14:30-15:50
- Branchini:
- Earth-Size Dark Matter (micro) halos: Existence and
- Shandarin:
- Caustics in dark matter halos
- 15:50-16:20
- Coffee
- 16:20-17:00
- Coles:
- Cosmological reconstruction via wave mechanics
- 17:00-17:50
- Discussion [suggested: dark matter issues]
Day 2, Thu Jan 26
- 9:40-11:00
- Sobolevskii:
- Mass transport in adhesive flows
- Dominguez:
- Hydrodynamic-like approach to Cold Dark Matter
- 11:00-11:30
- Coffee
- 11:30-12:10
- Gaite:
- Halos and voids in a multifractal model of cosmic structure
- 12:10-12:50
- Discussion [suggested: more dark matter issues]
- 12:50-14:30
- Lunch
- 14:30-15:50
- Tully:
- Numerical action models of the Local Supercluster revisited
- Karachentsev:
- Streaming motions of spiral galaxies within Z=3D0.03
based on a new 2MFGC catalog
- 15:50-16:20
- Coffee
- 16:20-17:00
- Makarov:
- Velocity field of Local Universe
- 17:00-17:50
- Discussion [suggested: issues of peculiar velocities]
Day 3, Fri Jan 27
- 9:40-11:00
- Phelps:
- N-body tests of Numerical Action Method
- Peebles:
Nonlinear Cosmological Tests
- 11:00-11:30
- Coffee
- 11:30-12:10
- Juszkiewicz:
- Peculiar velocities of clusters of galaxies
- 12:10-12:50
- Discussion [suggested: more on peculiar velocity issues]
- 12:50-14:30
- Lunch
- 14:30-15:50
- van de Weijgaert:
- A hierarchy of voids: much ado about nothing
- Nusser:
- Cosmology with Long Range Scalar Interactions
- 15:50-16:20
- Coffee
- 16:20-17:40
- Moscardini:
- The formation of cosmic structures in non-gaussian models
- Marinoni:
- 9 billion Years of Gravity at Work in the Cosmic Factory
- 17:40-18:30
- Discussion [suggested: the properties of voids and mass
- 19:30
- Conference Dinner
Last modified: Mon Jan 30 20:19:22 MSK 2006