Invited Lectures
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corresponding abstract pages (click on talk titles).
- C.F. Barenghi (Newcastle, UK): Superfluid turbulence

- J. Bec (Nice, France): Preferential concentration of inertial particles in turbulent flows

- L. Biferale (Rome, Italy): Anisotropy in turbulent

- Y. Brenier (Nice, France): Geometric and variational
features of the Euler equations
- Ph. Cardin (Grenoble, France): Dynamics and dynamos in planetary cores
- H. Chen (Boston, USA): Lattice Boltzmann modeling,
fundamentals and its applications for industrial
- P. Constantin (Chicago, USA): The blow up problem

- M. Eckert (Munich, Germany): Water-art problems at
Sans-souci—Euler's involvement in practical hydrodynamics on the
eve of ideal flow theory

- G. Falkovich (Weizmann, Israel): Conformal invariance and 2D

- Y. Fukumoto (Kyushu, Japan): Kinematic variational principle for motion of vortex rings
- G. Gallavotti (Rome, Italy) Equivalent equations in fluids and possible applications

- G.J.F. van Heijst (Eindhoven, Netherlands): Two-dimensional turbulence on a bounded domain—the role
of angular momentum
- T. Hou (Caltech, USA): Blow-up or no blow-up? The interplay between theory and numerics

- E. Knobloch (Berlin, Germany): Euler, the historical perspective

- V. Lebedev (Landau Institute, Russia): Anomalous scaling of passive scalar advected by turbulent flow
- R. Mohayaee (IAP, Paris): The Monge-Ampère-Kantorovich approach to reconstruction in cosmology

- P. Monkewitz (EPFL, Switzerland): The Euler number—Technological challenges of cavitation
- N. Mordant (Paris, France): Lagrangian measurements in turbulent flows

- Å. Nordlund (Copenhagen, Denmark): Solar hydrodynamics

- A. Nusser (Technion, Israel): Eulerian and Lagrangian
reconstruction method of cosmological velocity and density
- K. Ohkitani (Sheffield, UK/Kyoto, Japan): A geometrical study of 3D incompressible Euler flows with Clebsch potentials

- J.-F. Pinton (ENS-Lyon, France): Experimental dynamo and dynamics
- L. Saint Raymond (Paris, France): From Boltzmann's kinetic theory to Euler's equations
- R. Shaw (Houghton, USA): Fluid dynamics of clouds: Turbulence, coalescence, and Euler's celebrated sum
- K.R. Sreenivasan (ICTP, Italy): Huge Reynolds numbers in small apparatus

- S. Wu (Michigan, USA): Recent progress in mathematical analysis of vortex sheets

Invited Lectures will last 30' each, including 5' discussion.
Lists of other contributions:
7 Survey Lectures,
2 Poster Sessions